The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Thanks for tuning in. Go to sign up there for the daily emails and a lot more. I sent my piece out yesterday on the the Baltimore Sun column that I wrote very well received especially to put out the column without the edits, my editor did a bunch of editing and so that was very cool and I thank you for tuning in. As always. You know, we start the program, the Pro America Report with the WYNK. What you need to know, the WYNK WYNK what you need to know. And today, it’s a great one, a very important one. I’m totally, totally. Pumped to explain to you what is happening. It’s big, big news. I hate to tell you, I get much of my understanding of what the Liberals in this country are doing from politico, In fact, I also watch Politico, I get an e-mail from Politico I signed Up. For their European Union service, the European service. And in the middle of the Night at about two in the Morning, because it’s about 9:00 in the morning in Europe, I get an e-mail from them. That’s kind of the update and it’s great. So because you gotta know what you’re looking at, you know, Politico’s left, it’s left of center, but it’s smart and pretty good writers. And so you track what’s going on.
Well in the in the today. In the coverage of the two 2024 elections, here comes a piece written by Lauren Egan and actually the story came out a little bit late yesterday, I guess. So it was, but it was featured prominently and it said this. “The Democrat National Committee announced on Tuesday that it will nominate President Joe Biden through a ‘virtual roll call’ ahead of the August Convention to ensure that he appears on the Ohio ballot….”
Alright, so let me explain a few things to you. First of all, both parties are two national parties, the Democrat Party. And and the Republican Party have a, conventions that are called nominating conventions, but effectively the conventions have been rigged and they’ve been rigged in favor of a process and the process includes spending hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising dollars, especially of of commercials of coverage in the year before the election takes place, almost 15 months. 18 months. In other words, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada are the first four states in those states, there will be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 candidates and they will all have to spend money, raise and spend money in those places, raise and spend money across the country, and that will support whom?
Well, a whole political class of people. And it will also support a whole political class of ad makers and professional communicators. It will also support an entire class of journalists. You know, TV stations, TV coverage, writers, et cetera. So it’s a racket.
It’s a racket that’s been engineered. And here’s the key.
If you want to run for President, you have to have about $100 million to get through the first two or three states. And so therefore, you can’t be a a poor. A pauper and do this.
You also can’t be somebody who is outside of the political system, very easily. Trump is a an exception. So is, was Ben Carson who succeed. Somewhat modestly. Bloomberg tried on the Democrat side. It didn’t work too well, but he spent a billion and a half dollars. He had that much money. But who is sort of eligible to run, meaning able to get the 100 million, political types, elected officials who know the racket, who know how to sell themselves. And sell their viewpoints.
You’re talking about senators and governors and others. Picture of Bill Clinton. He was someone who knew they knew what they were buying. George W Bush. Everybody knew what they were, you know, investing in. You can be cynical and say you’re buying a politician or you can be real and say the system requires it. Therefore gonna go out and say, do you agree with me? I’m going to drill, baby, drill. Therefore, the oil companies are going to give me money.
That’s the system, and it eliminates almost everybody except those big timers, and so you can basically winnow the field pretty quickly and easily. And it happens all the time. It happens all the Time, and therefore you certainly can’t have a National Convention of either party where there is actually any decision making happening. You just can’t do it. And so back in The day 50-60 Years ago, you go to a convention. There might be a fight over delegates. It might be a fight over rules. It might be a fight over the nomination, but last time that really happened in the Republican Party was 1976.
Often it’s the incumbent that dominates. You know that keeps the others from fighting about it. But you know, 1992 Pat Buchanan tried against George W George HW Bush. There was ’96. He tried again a little bit. It didn’t really work, but in general. That’s the system, and therefore the conventions have become just a made for TV programming as well as an insider party, a big party for three and a half four days. That’s true in both parties, by the way, when I was on the Republican National Committee, I saw it up close and.
And So what do you have now?
You have created FrankenBiden, FrankenBiden, or BidenStein or people accuse me of saying Frankenstein? They’ll say I’m saying BidenStein, and it sounds Jewish because he’s hardly Jewish. He the he hates the Jew, hates the Israeli people. It seems, that’s what people will say.
Well, let’s call it BidenStein. BidenStein is a monster created by. The Democrats, because the Democrat National Committee and the Democrat Convention is controlled by the insiders. It’s controlled by the people who have the most influence in the party and the most money in the party.
The Democrats actually set theirs up. They have super delegates and things that make it so it’s totally controlled by the insiders. Republicans have it controlled by the insiders, but there’s at least a little bit more of a fight about it. But they will be controlled by the the people. So in this case, it’s always controlled by the, the the. Person who gets the nomination and that’s Trump this time.
But the Democrats, they’re stuck with BidenStein. BidenStein was created by the Democrats because they knew they had to run someone against Trump, and they thought they could get someone like Biden who had been tested, who they knew they could buy. They could coopt. He would be totally coopted, able. And there was a white guy, which is funny to say because you think the Democrats want all those diversity and all that. They need a white guy because they wanted him to go out and lie to people. In the part of the country like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and say, hey, he’ll be on your side, he looks like you. A lot of you and try to do that. That’s what they did.
BidenStein. He did. He they nobody thought he was a great bright guy and a great candidate. He’d been around forever. He’d lost terribly in ’88 when he ran for president. Lost in ’08, when he ran for the president. But they thought, well, you know, we’ll run them and if we can get the election rules changed enough, maybe we Can sneak through, and they did. And so there he is.
The problem is they set Up a system. And the system does not allow outsiders to come in and shake it up. And so there’s no path to get rid of Joe Biden. BidenStein is here to stay, and only he and Jill. And really, it’s Jill because he’s lost his mind, can quit. And they won’t quit. They love the power too much. They love the action too much. It’s who they are. So now what happens?
Well, they forgot that Ohio has a law that says you have to be on the ballot. You have to have the ballot done on August 7th, which is 2 weeks before the DNC has its official nomination, so he won’t be nominated. Therefore he wouldn’t be on the ballot in Ohio, which is a big problem. And so the Republican DeWine in Ohio, the governor said, let’s have a special session of the legislature and try to get him to change the law so he can get on the ballot. Happily, a bunch of the conservative Republicans said, why would we help Joe Biden? He messed up. And so they didn’t fix it.
So the Democratic National Committee who said, you know what? We’ll fix this. We we have to do, we’ll do a virtual roll call. This means that before August 7. And there will be a convention. A nomination will take place and the nomination of Joe Biden will take place on August 5th. Maybe. Maybe August 6th, probably August 3rd or 4th. I don’t know. Whatever date before August 7th, so they can be on the he can be On. The ballot. Do you see what’s going on?
There’s no taking Joe Biden off. They’re going to do it virtually. They’re all going to lock it in and he’s not even, even when he goes to the convention and stumbles and Mumbles and can’t deliver his his speech, they can’t get rid of him. They can’t get rid of him. What the news? It was announced that they were going to virtually nominate Joe Biden. Proves that they can’t get rid of him. It proves that he will go nowhere. He is not willing to yield. He’s not going to yield. Why would he yield? He’s going to run for president and they’re not going to stop him.
And it it is to me, it’s. Absolutely crazy and hysterical and funny to watch because it is such a disaster for the Republic, for the Democrat Party to have to run Joe Biden.
His numbers keep tanking. He is obviously not well. I mean, it’s just sad at this point. He he may turn a corner and get sympathy vote because he’s so addled. People may be like, oh, you know, look, the guy’s so addled. Maybe we should. Don’t know. Be nice to him. I don’t know why that would be something you want to run the country, but the the reality is. That it’s it’s they’re stuck with them and it is incredible to watch. And so there is another example.
There’s nothing they can do. There’s no path to moving him out of the way, and so you’re going to see him virtually nominated on a zoom call in early August. And then the Convention, the Democratic Convention will literally mean nothing. Yeah, I mean, it already meant not much. So that’s what you need to know the the the the Democrats are stuck with Biden and I, I certainly don’t wish for his death because I hope no one, no one deserves deserves that. I hope we have people pray for the health of our President especially. But at this point that’s the only thing that gets him off the ballot. There’s no doubt about it. There’s no doubt about it. All right, that’s what you need to know.
Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Tune In. We got a great interview coming up with John Droz. Our friend John Droz. And he will give us an update on windmills, windmills, and a whole lot more Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report back in a moment.