The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome. Welcome, welcome! Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Hey, we have a lot to cover today, and I thank you for joining me. Go to, get the daily email sent to you if you want to get updated on what we’ve been talking about and what we’re covering.
I actually am really pleased and honored. I was over on Frank Speech TV, hosting the Tamara Scott show. She’s an old friend of mine, Tamara Scott. She’s a leader out of Iowa, national leader, conservative, and she had a commitment today that she couldn’t do. So I filled in for so I spent an hour on, and it was very cool. I have to tell you a quick story.
When frankspeech TV. Excuse me? It’s Frankspeech.TV. I keep doing that. And when I, also, I was there when it launched. It’s a funny, interesting story.It’s about a year and a half ago, maybe. And I was with General Flynn. Mike Flynn and Joe Flynn, Mike’s brother. General Flynn’s brother. And we flew on a private plane from Florida over to Memphis, Tennessee. Memphis or Nashville. I’m embarrassed to admit. We only went from the plane to the studio, and that’s where they launched Frank Speech.
And it was extraordinary. It was extraordinary. It was really cool to see. It was actually the most interesting part of it in some ways, was watching Mike Lindell in action, because for all of his attention, all the things that you hear about him and all the kinds of ways he’s depicted, he’s a success because he’s very, very talented.
And so in the setting of this launch of Frank Speech, he was amazing. He was on air for a bunch of it. He was managing details. At one point, his phone number got released. I think it was his phone number out to the press, and he was suddenly inundated, excuse me, it was released by someone who found it somewhere, and they put it out on the Internet.
And suddenly on the day when he was supposed to be talking to media, especially, who did have his phone number, he was getting inundated by calls from nut jobs and yahoos and weirdos and wackos.
And so he had to regroup. And seeing him operate under pressure was also incredible. This was a great experience. And as you can see, he does nothing without a sense of, if I can say, stamina. And he’s been at this for a long time. And I think Frank speech TV has started to bloom. Right? It started to blossom. It’s taking a lot more time and energy, and he’s being blocked at every turn. And so he’s got a lot of, yeah, it’s outside of Memphis is where we were.
Brannon Howse, the very talented guy who has produced his program. So if you get a chance, find that on the Internet and tune in there.
All right, we’ve got a couple of great interviews today, very important one from our old friend Armstrong Williams, and he is extraordinary perspective, entrepreneur, African American, conservative, Christian. And his perspective, he’s been doing his Armstrong Williams TV show and his weekly column for decades. And so he has a sense of perspective on both the media and also just on American life. He’s very good. And so we’ll talk with him.
We’ll also talk with Todd Bensman, I have to say Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies, we need more of Todd Bensman all over the place. I wish I could put him up on TV everywhere, because what he’s talking about and I was texting with him about this interview. The border is just pure chaos and it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse. And nobody is really paying attention now. He says, and I think he’s right, that it’s an issue that’s going to be top of mind for a lot of voters in the fall, mostly Republicans, but right now it’s not the top of mind for anybody. And I think it’s being ignored by the media, ignored by the White House.
One question I’ve heard him answer, which we’ll circle back to again, is if there is a change in leadership in the United States House and Senate, what could they change? How could they change it? What could they do?
And he has said in the past, the only play really is shut down because ultimately the control of the immigration issues comes through the White House. So we’ll talk with Todd Bensman in a few moments.
Sorry, we just have a shortened WYNK today. What you need to know. And so just let me cover something. Following up on the story we’ve now had Sunday, Monday, both of the front page of the New York Times talking about Joe Biden’s age being problematic, his ability to do his job being problematic. Now, on Tuesday, on Tuesday morning, I think it was, I’m looking for the notes. There it is. Tuesday morning, Politico writes a piece that says and describes in detail that one of the progressive groups, which means the more liberal groups out there is going to attack Biden with an ad campaign telling him not to run. So at what point are we witnessing only what, let’s see, January of 2021 is February, March, April, May, June, July, let’s say 16 months into the presidency, his own party’s quit on him.
That’s what I’m seeing. That’s what looks pretty clear to me. What you need to know is it’s a wholesale movement now. And right now the movement is to get rid of Joe Biden and get him to not to run and make him announce.
Here’s the tricky part. As they pressure him, when he finally announces he’s not going to run, it’s going to look like he was pressured. You’re not just boxing in the President, like going to his office quietly, the leaders, and saying, hey, you can’t run. You’re publicly pressuring him in such a way that if he doesn’t run. It’ll look like he caved. It’ll actually make it look like he didn’t know what he was doing all this time. Or part of the time, for sure sometimes.
Be careful what you wish for. Joe Biden wanted to be president so badly, he ran a bunch of times, and now he got it. He may be headed towards not just a Jimmy Carter loss, but kind of a Lyndon Johnson. Lyndon Johnson at least won one race. He was able to get elected, actually, after he took over Kennedy and Biden won his one, I guess he’d say. But at this point, he’s like Johnson. He’s going to be forced to yield. He’s going to be forced to not run, whether he admits it to himself or otherwise. That’s where it’s headed. So that’s what you need to know. That’s where it’s headed. I think it’s only going to get worse after the election in the fall.
You’re going to see the pressure for him to not run and then say hello to Senator Hillary Clinton running again. That’s the word on the street. More on that later.
We’ll take a break. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.