The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. Hey, we’re going to have a a lot of update, a number of updates today.
We’ll talk with John Schlafly, John and Andy Schlafly wrote a column this week on the Schlafly report about. The President Trump and handling of the J6 defendants , that was a good column. We’ll talk with him about that also.
But we’re gonna also talk with Wendi Strauch Mahoney, who is a journalist over at Someone that I’ve followed and I know well. Now she’s written a couple of pieces, one a few days ago about the January 6th. Who these people are. And then another one about Rachel Powell, who is facing A massive sentence and how we’ve covered it in the last couple of days. The intensity of the prosecution and the judges, the process is meant to reinforce what they say is an insurrection, which I think most normal people would say was a riot of some kind. And the combination of calling it a terrorist act And an insurrection is both I think a way to get towards Trump, which is one of their goals. But also this is a way to write history. You know when a federal court, no matter how misguided you think they are, is talking in open court for hours like the other day, one of the judges did, and then in writing about insurrection and about a threat to democracy and all, it has an impact, it has an impact. And so deconstructing that is a major, major effort that I think we have to undertake. And Wendi Strauch Mahoney’s doing some of that by humanizing the stories. Behind some of the folks. So we’ll talk with. Her in a few moments.
Please Visit sign up there for the daily e-mail. The daily e-mail is the daily WWYNK, comes out at 8:00 AM, East Coast, 5:00 AM Pacific and all the times in between gives you a couple of key links. Couple of key stories and it gives you what you need to know. The WYNK, W-Y-N-K, what you need to know for the day and we cover that in this segment also. So here’s today’s WYNK, what you need to know today.
I tell you I read. A lot of sources, maybe so you don’t have to, but I encourage you to do it too. And one of the sources I read regularly is Politico. Now, I’ve warned you and told you. That Politico is. Left left of center, but sophisticated. Left of center. But smart. And sometimes you can read. And you’ll get a signal that the that the Politico is saying about the direction that they want things to go, to try to tell people the policies I I the example, the best example I give is I when I read the Politico report from the EU, they they send it out at about 2:00 in the morning East Coast time. I get it in my inbox when I wake up and I’m, I’m ashamed to admit, it’s often the first thing I read. Before my scripture verse, which is a mistake of mine. But I confess it now and I’ll do better. But and it leans left. It means left always. You can really see it in the EU because the EU is. Is like an Echo Chamber and only only two people, two groups that are, you know, 2-2 people, but two nations that are speaking sort of consistently to the conservative side. Poland and Hungary. Everybody else kind of flops around and is left so. But when you read Politico. In America, you kind of watch. And and and you can see.
And Politico had A lengthy piece that ran, I think on Friday about Pennsylvania and the headline is Pennsylvania is key for Biden. Democrats there say the party is in shambles. You go down to read this article and you basically are hearing. That the Democrats in Pennsylvania, it’s run by a state senator named Street. Who is the son of the former mayor of Philadelphia, Mayor Street. and he he’s an African American inner city Democrat who’s supposed to be running the state party in Pennsylvania and basically the Politico article. Is it’s a disaster and he’s not doing well.
Now I have two assessments of this. One, I was the chairman of the Republican Party in Missouri and the party structures have been dramatically diminished because of the Citizens United Supreme Court case, which allows outside money. To be spent as an expression of of First Amendment voices. So once you had that Happen you didn’t. Have Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. He didn’t need to Use the Democrat Party of Pennsylvania to set up his structure to fund things. He because in the old days what you do is get massive amounts of money given to the Pennsylvania Democrat Party, and then Casey would have. His senior people On the Democrat Party’s payroll, and they’d be using the party structure. To set up things they don’t do that anymore. Senator Casey raises tons of money to himself and to 3rd party Super PACs that spend it on his behalf and build it out. And a lot of times the senators. Will will not want to. Even be close to the party. Because they don’t. Really want to have to stand next to far left inner City Democrats from Philadelphia, is in this case. That’s how it reads to me.
But what you’re seeing in the fall in Pennsylvania, there will be a major big deal, a A Supreme Court race a the state Supreme Court in Pennsylvania is elected, and so they’re going to have one of those races. So the. Signal coming out of of of the. Pennsyl, from this Politico article Politico article in about Pennsylvania is hey guys, this is too important for you to mess it. Up we’re giving You a warning. We’re giving you a warning. You’re not raising money. You’re not organizing things. This is one of the pieces. When the when the Democrats fortified the 2020 election. That’s the term they use, right? They say they fortified the election. Which in their mind means they used every legal means to make sure that they won the election, they they did change the rules, but they did it legally. They say. They did gain the system, but they did it legally. They say. They did get massive amounts of outside money spent to hire and promote staff, but they did it legally. They say. This is their fortification. Many of us think that they continued and didn’t just do the legal stuff. They continue to do the illegal stuff. And some of us think that the legal stuff was not fair. That the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, in fact in 2020, allowed things to happen that shouldn’t have been allowed and should have been challenged appropriately and reversed and never were.
And so my point here is that what what what you’re seeing is a message that says, hey, one of the fortifications that we do for this election. Is the use. Of the the party system.
Now also inside this is an admission by chairman of the state party, Senator, state Senator Street. that he received a $700,000 grant from a group called Democracy First. Democracy First. Now Democracy First. If you look it up and I I I did. The the. The organization is run by executive director by a, A Liberal Democrat operative who’s from Maine. I don’t know if he lives in Maine anymore, but he he on online, that’s where he talks about is where he’s from and he has been in. He was a congressman. Congresswoman Porter, Katie Porter’s chief of staff. He worked inside the. The various liberal structures, and now it’s an organization, again an independent organization, set up as a Pro Democracy group. When you look on the website, you see that they say we’re set up in order to protect against. The people that are trying to overthrow the Country that the the groups that are trying to Overthrow the country.
You see how these things connect together when you have the judges and the DOJ saying, hey, it’s an insurrection. Hey, it’s a it’s a a Terrorism Act, what happened on January 6th? We gotta really worry. And then you have groups like this that say, hey, we got to set This organization up so they. And here’s the admission chairman, Street. The state senator and chairman of the Pennsylvania Party said they received a $700,000 grant, which from this group, Democracy First to hire 20 organizers. Now, illegal? Probably not. Improper? Probably. More importantly, where’d the money come from? If I told you that the NRA funded a $700,000 grant to the Missouri Republican Party to hire 20 organizers, you probably have something to say. I am, not you. The left would. You, Probably The Department of Justice would probably have something To say.
And and here’s what here’s what I’m telling you. If you could, you know, I mentioned this in the beginning of this segment. What you need to know is when the size and scope of government grows so big and so powerful and mostly maybe most importantly for this, the money flows so profoundly. I I was preparing my notes for a conversation. I’m going to have with. Tom McClusky of Catholic Vote about Planned Parenthood. I I think Tom has been quoted as saying that. They get a Billion dollars every year. Planned Parenthood, and they use the money not just to fund directly abortions, but to hire people that are directionally helping their side. Now. Is it illegal? It’s not illegal, but it’s not a good idea. It’s it’s it’s not a smart idea. It’s it’s an idea that is not helpful if you want to have transparent government, that works well. It’s a, it’s a, it’s. A A the reality of it is that it’s a real, real problem and the question is when the government so big the money’s flowing, you have a a call basically Politico is describing is and the inside you see this?
What do we do? What? Who’s doing something? To stop this and and to make it Transparent and to make it so we actually Know who is in charge, what is happening. And where the money’s coming from.
Because remember, John Podesta is the guy who is at the head. Of about, I don’t know, 700 billion, is it a $700 billion slush fund that’s supposed to be for green energy? And it’s supposed to be for the green energy that’s happening that’s that is happening all across universities and nonprofits. Is he helping fund this? I wouldn’t bet against it. And especially, back to my point. Money is fungible. The movement of money is the thing that you have to wonder about and make sure we figure out how to to again make it transparent, cut it off if we can, but it’s what’s happening.
So that’s what you need to know. Pennsylvania is a little bit messy. Right now, but Politico is putting out the bat signal to make sure that people come and help so that they. Can try to. Either hold Pennsylvania or steal it again. There you have it. That’s what you need to know.
We’ll take a break. We’ll be right back. We got some great guests in a moment. They mentioned John Schlafly is also. And also Wendi Strauch Mahoney, the journalist. I’ll be back in a moment. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report.