The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. And please visit, by the way, Sign up there for the daily e-mail goes out 8:00 AM East Coast and 5:00 AM Pacific Time and you can get the update, the WYNK, what you need to know.
Hey, in a few moments, we’ll talk with John Schlafly. Get an update from John. His weekly column is out and it’s about the pro-life issues surrounding the pill, the abortion pill.
We’ll also talked with Jordan Burke. Jordan Burke will be a guest. He’s a first time guest. He’s, there’s a movie out in it. And I recorded the interview with Jordan. So we’re gonna play that. In a few minutes. He’s a he’s. A new guy in the field of helping promote books, I guess. So it’s a it’s not my favorite interview ever. We sort of started slow, but it’s about there’s a new book out called The Pope’s Exorcist. And it’s about this priest, Father Gabriel Amorth, who was sort of famous for having been a, a, an exorcist for decades. 20 or 30 years and the reason why it’s so timely is because there’s a new movie coming out just in a few days. I think it comes out on Friday A movie starring Rachel Rachel. Rachel Crowe, Russell Crowe as Father Amorth. So it’s gonna get a bunch of attention and instead of the over the top Hollywood version, this book from Sophia Institute Press will be helpful. So we’ll talk with him in a few moments. We’ll play that Interview that I did, but first what you need to know today.
I want to spend a moment. Talking about. What you’re hearing, and I hear it commonly now a refrain from the media on 2 topics, 2 aspects of the upcoming elections and the reason I do this is to tell you how systematically and programming, programmatically they are lying to us and misleading us and it’s in the interest of pollsters, consultants and journalists to create the horse race mentality and to drive voter preferences and voter ideas. In the way they like and in the way In which is More liberal. generally. And for consultants on money. So, but let me stop.
Here’s the what you need to know is, I want to talk about two aspects of the elections recently and what they’re saying as the conventional wisdom and how it’s at least not clear to me that it’s true. And more likely, they’re lying. OK, so here’s the two aspects of elections.
One: We will hear people say that the post Roe, you know the post-Dobbs pro-life decision has been cataclysmic for Republicans and for conservatives because they say it motivated people to vote on the Pro pro-choice. Issue and that and they want to protect so-called women’s rights.
This is a lie.
Now it is a lie because what they cite are places like Michigan. Michigan is a blue state, and Michigan did a massive blue turnout and they were able to reverse a 1931 law that was able to be demagogued as being too harsh, that law. So it it it’s not, doesn’t you don’t get any bonus points for a blue state going blue.
Likewise just a few weeks ago in Wisconsin. The idea is that. Ohh Wisconsin, there was a pro-life candidate for the Supreme Court and there was a pro abortion candidate and the pro abortion candidate won handily by 11 points. It had a. Lot more to do with the. Candidates and the quality of the candidates and a lot more to do with money. You see, in the case of Wisconsin, there was at least the numbers I’m seeing now are $50 million spent for the Democrat and about 10 million for the Republican. That’s very difficult to overcome and now if you read closer and stop reading the headlines that say ohh Republicans punished because the people of Wisconsin are not as pro-life. If you read closer and you gotta go find the articles and find the quote. You’ll discover that two things happened. The candidate, the Democrat candidate, ran as a tough on crime former prosecutor – even though she wasn’t. She was liberal and let people out of a jail when she was a judge, but they were they they intentionally ran as a pro-crime fighter and as a prosecutor, and they attacked the Republican and said he was too soft on crime. Now those were lies, but they’re policy fights, they didn’t run on abortion. In fact, they admitted that that they, they, they, that the justice that won, that her staff admitted they they did not run Abortion ads, especially in certain places because they didn’t want to solidify the opposition. So my point on this is there’s two. This is one thing you’re hearing all over the place. People say be afraid. Be afraid. Pro-life is gonna cost elections.
It’s a lie. It’s a lie.
First of all, most of the country, so 65%, support some limitations to abortion, only about 30% say no limitations at all, so you have to find a sweet spot to talk to some people. But in general, the country is more Pro-life. We got work to do. Don’t. Don’t get me wrong. But it’s more likely that you’ll be demagogued than you will be Talking about the Issue, so don’t be misled.
By the way, one more thing on this. Don’t be misled when people dodge and they say, oh, it’s all returned to the states. That’s not true. What Roe V Wade’s removal from the scene did was make it so that you could regulate abortion and there wasn’t a fundamental right in the Constitution that stopped that. But the regulation can happen at every level, so you could ban abortion in the US Congress if you had enough pro lifers to do it, and the President would sign it. You can ban abortion in Texas or Florida or Georgia. I think Georgia did pass a ban. Close to a complete ban and you can ban it in states. You can also do it in in a jurisdiction you can Limit abortion in jurisdictions even below that. In a city, for example. So there’s lots of possibilities, and again, there’s only one set of extremists in my mind in the on this issue, and it’s the people that, like Governor Northam, the former governor of Virginia, who said, you know, we gotta have abortion right up to the moment before the baby is born. That’s partial birth abortion. That’s horrendous. That’s that’s extremism. And the more Republicans could define or opponents of a pro lifers can define that position. The more they win.
OK, second topic. There was a lengthy think piece in Wisconsin. Again, we’re covering Wisconsin in Politico. And the the story here, This is the second, So the first one is you’re you’re hearing people tell you pro-life. You can’t be pro-life and run and win, and this post Roe environment, it’s a lie. It’s a lie. It’s meant to drive you to take positions and soften the Republican party’s platform on pro-life and other things, but now to the other one.
They’re they’re saying, Ah, Wisconsin was early voting. Early voting gave the advantage to the Democrat to win, and it is true the Democrats do early voting. But there’s a reason why, as my colleague John Schlafly put it in a text, we were texting back and forth on this, he said the reality is. The reality is only Democrats can get more votes. By the early voting and by mail-in voting. And why? Because they count on low information voters. They’re counting on sure now. I think they also Count on fraud. John didn’t put that In his text. But so Republicans. We we we know. We know who our voters are. And you know, we could try to persuade more people, but getting them out to vote doesn’t change. In fact, it doesn’t. Conservatives don’t really like to vote early. They like to vote on Election Day.
And so what you’re seeing, though, my point here is you’re seeing a concerted effort, Concerted effort by the media and others to say you have to participate in early voting, you have to participate in mail in voting in order to compete, and that’s somewhat compelling. If you watched Donald Trump on, I think it was on either Hannity or Tucker. One of these interviews in the last week or so when he says it basically goes through and he, he says. You know, at the end of the day you, uh, he he was pushed by. I guess it was Tucker and he he sort of admitted well we’re gonna have to go by the rules that they have, meaning mail-in voting but he said mail in voting is a is an invitation for fraud, that was Trump’s line he’s always said that. And so. But here’s the thing.
What they want to do is normalize the non Election Day.
They wanna normalize election season the sea, and they want to get that everywhere. You see you can win in red states if you can get more and more early voting, you can find ways to to, to for fraud and to get low information voters out. If you can get to red states if you get early voting. Lengthy, the you know a three month voting season, it’s a disaster.
So my point here is do, when you when you’re hearing on these two topics, for example, these are just two examples. You’re hearing something that sounds like a canonical truth. Pro-life is a very bad issue for Republicans. Conservatives, right now, you gotta run away from it. It’s a lie. And the second one is. Ohh. Early voting. You got to embrace it. You gotta figure out how to embrace it. You have to do mail, a Dropbox is better than Democrats. It won’t happen. It won’t happen. Conservatives don’t do that. And we don’t cheat with the problem. If you if you could get a bunch of conservatives who are willing to cheat, then you probably compete well with the Democrats and the Liberals. But that’s not our style. That’s not what we want to do. That’s not who we are. So there’s these, What You need to know is More and more, especially when it Comes to the elections.
I I was going to go on to one more topic here. They had the Brazilian President Lula, is his name came to town and and he did a lengthy speech and he said how, you know, Oh my gosh, the world is dominated by all these conservative right wing, conservative ideologues. And they formed a network. And he goes through a list. One is in Brazil, Bolsonaro. He just lost the election to Lula. And the other one is Trump. Well, he just lost it. Like, he’s not in office, right? And it goes through this and you say to yourself. It’s the opposite. It’s again. It’s a typical move. When the media gathers around and starts to write this narrative, there’s a right wing, you know, worldwide conspiracy. You look up and say, no, it doesn’t look like that. It looks like a left wing. You know, globalist conspiracy where the power, you know, go from Obama through Macron, you know, go through the the Davos crowd. You know, when when Obama was in, obviously it’s Biden now. It’s the other side. It’s exactly the other side. So anyway.
But back to my point, on these on these elections right now, what you’re hearing is the the certain truth presented over and over. You’ll see it in every paper and every media outlet. These truths, oh, pro-life is bad, and then they’ll say, oh, and and you gotta go early voting.
Both of those things are false. They’re meant to push us In a direction where we won’t address pro-life and we will embrace early voting and both of those things Will be to the detriment of the country and the detriment of the conservative movement that that needs pro-life and needs to build a better coalition of life and also needs to make sure we get to something other than the election season where fraud is happening all the time.
All right, we’ll take a break. We’ll be back with John Schlafly and Jordan Burke, right after this, Ed Martin. Here in the Pro America Report, back in a moment.