The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome Welcome welcome Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and happy to talk with you today.
Coming back off of a long weekend, I was, traveled a little bit, got my daughter back to school. I had some family time. I hope you had a great weekend too. So you know in a few moments. We’ll catch up. We’ll finally catch up.
I’ve been interested to visit it’s been about three or four months since we talked to Gregory Wrightstone. We got. He’s gonna explain why your gas stove is being banned by somebody or other. Gregory Wrightstone is the executive director of the CO2 coalition, a geologist by training and and, and an author, InconvenientFacts.XYZ is his website. That’s his book, Inconvenient Facts.
Also, catch up with Tristan Justice over at We’ll talk about Secretary Pete. Mayor Pete used to be Mayor Pete. Now it’s secretary Pete. Secretary Pete is well, he was supposed to be the star of the Democrat Party. He’s had a little tough time. He’s having a little tough time that he has. He’s he’s struggling with some issues around transportation, supply chains. The airlines, being grounded, all those things, and there’s some FOIA requests of Freedom of Information that have revealed maybe he doesn’t work that many hours in the day, so we’ll see. I don’t know. I, these are kind of non stories to me, but it’s interesting because I think Mayor Pete is the greatest threat to Kamala Harris’s presidential ambitions right now. So I wonder if he’s taking, and some, taking some flak because they see him as a a possible primary opponent for her and others. we’ll get To all that. But first, what you need to know.
Today’s WYNK. I’m gonna rehash a little bit of last week, but even more is known, the drip drip drip of the Joe Biden documents classified documents in his house stuffed in his sock drawer. In his Chinese funded Biden, Penn Biden center, the center that he founded down the block on Pennsylvania Ave. There’s so many people. By the way, I’m joking about his sock drawer. It’s just been and and they weren’t in the trunk of the Corvette they were just in the garage. At his house. But there are aspects of this that are really illuminating for the culture of the swamp because some of this stuff is likely not illegal, but it’s clearly unethical. Right, some of these the aspects of what we’re hearing. We don’t know all the facts yet.
So we have to be a little bit careful what what we do know is that there’s documents classified documents happening. Excuse me, found in at least two, maybe three places, and when they go to look at some of them they find some more that’s happened a couple of times and it’s a mess. It’s a mess for Joe Biden. but here’s the thing. Couple of details that we should acknowledge about the swamp, right?
One, the the the swapped up media, the Narrative Machine, big tech, big media, big government is is comparing stories and comparing fact patterns in a way that is absolutely dishonest in one aspect. And I’ve told you this before, but. I’m underscoring it.
What you need to know is a president of the United States. Obama, Clinton, W Bush, Trump. The President has the absolute authority as to the executive branch. That authority extends to classifying documents to make, declassifying documents.
Remember back when Obama in the last days of his presidency in 2017, he was allowing unmasking of the names of certain people in the presidential Briefings, the daily briefings. he was getting requests and he was saying OK you can you can unmask them. You can let their identity be known instead of hiding it. I’m the president. I’m allowed to do that. I’m the president. Bill Clinton. I can take documents with me to the the presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas. I’m George W Bush. I can take documents with me to the to the Presidential library in Dallas at I think it’s at SMU, isn’t it? And I’m the President, Trump. I can take documents with me to Mar-a-Lago. Now, you can quibble with whether the documents were properly declassified, that they were properly copied, but the President, Obama took a gazillion copies to Chicago. It’s allowed because they are the ultimate authority. They’re the authority from which the power to classify or declassify flows. You get that?
It’s like the pardon power. nobody else can pardon someone. The authority to pardon the executive authority comes from the office of the Presidency. It is immensely powerful. You don’t have to as Prime Minister of the United States as you know, General Supreme Commander. Ask anyone else permission if you were Prime Minister, you’d have to ask the the the the in the in the case of the UK England you have to ask the Queen. Or maybe the Parliament. The House of. Lords, I don’t know how it would work, but. Here, the executive, as to executive functions. They have total authority. OK, so Trump may have done it wrong, but he was allowed to do it. Biden was not allowed to do it. The vice president is the same as the janitor. The vice president is the same as the deputy Director of personnel. The vice president is the same as any other employee of the executive of the President, the, the the Authority flows from the president to all their employees. And it doesn’t flow for the purposes of classification and declassification to the Vice president, doesn’t happen. So he was not allowed to take the documents with him.
Sandy Berger, the former national security adviser under I think Bill Clinton, he stuffed them in his pants when he was in the in the archives or the Library of Congress and snuck them out. Because why? Because even if you’re the national security advisor and the documents are related to national security, they might even be the documents you created. You’re not allowed to take them. If you’re General Petraeus and you give to your paramour the documents that you have used, you’re allowed to use. You see, you might have even created and you Give them over. You are not allowed to do that. You’re breaking the law. Both of those people. Sandy Berger, David Petraeus had to plead guilty to crimes related to that. That’s the same thing Biden did as VP. Trump did not do the same thing as president. That’s the difference. OK?
Second point, about the swamp.
Think about what happened here after Hillary Clinton was secretary, Bill Clinton was president, and then Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. They had the Clinton Foundation. And they raised gazillions of dollars into this foundation, and most of the people would say in the swamp they were investing in a future Hillary presidency. It looked like a good bet for about a decade.
Joe Biden went down Pennsylvania Ave. from where he worked and up from where he worked in the Senate and he set up an office and he had University of Pennsylvania say we’ll we’ll put, We’ll go ahead. Biden was saying he was running gonna run. Really consider running for President. He had passed in 2016, but he was considering running and so Penn, University of Pennsylvania. Of which he had some relationship. They said this is great for us. We get all the presidential, the vice presidential connection. And he’s from Delaware. He’s right there. He’s still popular with people. Blah blah blah. We’ll set him up right down the hall, right? But Biden rented a home in Virginia, for millions of dollars, he rented an office down Pennsylvania Ave. Penn, University of Pennsylvania did, the Penn Biden Center and lo and Behold, 10s of millions of dollars flowed Into the University of Pennsylvania from where? From China.
From the communist regime. Now you can’t give money directly to Biden from China or it would look really bad, but you can launder it. You can’t give money directly from dictatorships and oil rich oligarchies and directly to the to Hillary Clinton, but you can give it to the Clinton Foundation. You can launder the money through the swamp. It happens both parties, by the way, don’t think it doesn’t. I think the Republicans are a Little cleaner George W Bush. Doesn’t seem to be as as ah prone to this. But it happens in both parties. But this is the classic example.
Now you take another layer. It looks like that it looks like that the the when you talk about Hunter Biden and he said 10% for the big guy which people thought was his dad. It looks like He was way overpaying for his rent to stay at a house that he may or may not have stayed at $50,000 a month. I, by the way, I haven’t seen that confirmed. There appears to be a document where Hunter Biden filled out paperwork and said he paid his dad to live at this address. $49,000 a month. Now, I wonder if he misread it and it was said monthly amount and he Meant per year. So $49,000 a month is outrageous rent right, $49,000 a year is still too high, but it gets closer, right? If you go and rent a place, rent a house, a big house, you might spend $6000 a month. You might spend $5000 a month. It’s possible. I don’t know how big that house was, but you know, depending on where it is, that seems reasonable. That might be a mistake. We haven’t had it clarified yet. But if it’s clear that what happened a lot, just like it’s been forgotten.
Hunter Biden has been selling his artwork for hundreds of thousands of dollars anonymously. Do you understand that? Hunter Biden has been in his garage of a friend of his, a multi $1,000,000 multi millionaire lawyer? I think in Hollywood and in in Malibu or California there and he’s got a garage where he’s been painting. There. And after he painted a bunch of paintings, he said to a dealer, you, you wanna sell these? and dealer said you betcha I’ll sell these and then the dealer said I’m gonna sell these in for the purposes of protecting everybody. I’m gonna sell these anonymously so he’s now selling Hunter Biden’s artwork for hundreds of thousands of dollars anonymously. so we don’t know who’s buying the influence.
Now, do you think that it’s possible that if it’s a Chinese regime member or a lobbyist who buys a piece of artwork, that that Hunter Biden doesn’t know where it goes? it’s it seems likely he’s like, Oh yeah, it’s over at Joe’s house. Maybe the Podestas would buy some they they were into art work. One of the Podestas. I don’t think it was John Podesta. It was his brother. So the reality is, the reality is that the the the reality of this is. That the people In the swamp, they deal like this all the time.
One of the other ways to deal with this would be to have Hunter Biden get a job. You know from a a sweetheart job from somebody and be working for them and making way more money than he. Should be qualified to get, but we don’t see that.
But what you need to know now is the swampiness of. This is breathtaking and You have to say to yourself. It’s an effort to take Joe Biden off the playing field that Joe Biden is not going to run when he has this situation. I just don’t think he can do it, and I don’t think excuse me, I think I don’t think he will do it if this is the sustained and you don’t see the Democrats defending him. They they are basically stepping back and watching this thing fall apart.
Now, I don’t think Joe Biden is going to not run. Let me be clear on that.
I think Joe Biden thinks he’s going to run anyway. I just don’t think he can do it with this. If this drip drip drip continues the way it’s going, I think it’s gonna be worse and worse. I really do, so that’s what you need to know right now and and I’ll tell you, this is the.
This is the greatest swamp Scenario in terms of of of what you need to know about how the Swamp Works, it’s got everything it’s got. The vice president moving down Pennsylvania into a Pennsylvania Ave. It’s a multimillion dollar office digs. He wasn’t doing lots of thinking about essays and grading papers for the University of Pennsylvania. He was just running for reelection, for running for election for president and he he just needed a place to land and U Penn was happy to get it and go raise money off this. Perfect swampiness perfect. It’s like when you see these people.
So remember John Edwards? I think he’s been disgraced but I think he was setting up a Center for the study of poverty. They set up these places and they they let people contribute money to them so that they can basically fund their lifestyle to continue the stuff they’re doing. That’s what you need to know.
Alright, I gotta run we’ll come back we’ve got these great interviews Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition, great guy and also Tristan Justice about Mayor Pete,Secretary, Pete, we should say, and some of his struggles. Don’t forget, by the way, we’ll put up on social media. If you go to, you can sign up for the daily e-mail there. The for the the WYNK, what you need to know goes into your inbox at 8:00 AM East Coast at 5:00 AM Pacific Time. Sign up there and get that in, and other emails too will send them to you so, but I promise I don’t trade your e-mail address or sell it or anything else. It’s just for our use to get you the good. stuff.
We’ll be right back Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Be right back.