As we take a breath and prepare for 2019, it’s a good time to reflect on the predictable “War on Christmas” we’ve all just survived. Every year, “Merry Christmas” wishers and “Happy Holiday” hounders duke it out between tradition and so-called inclusion to remind us what holidays we are here to respect. The left would have us believe that the “war on Christmas” is just another vast right-wing conspiracy. Wishing a Happy Holidays is simply about including ALL of the Religious holiday-goers, including Christmas, right? … Try again.

Their objective is to erase the Christian heritage that the world has celebrated every December for centuries. Christmas is unavoidably Christian.
Liberal logic fails (shockingly) yet again. If wishing a politically-correct “Happy Holidays” was simply for the sake of inclusivity, then why don’t we issue this greeting around other groups of holidays? St. Patricks Day, Easter, Passover, and Cinco de Mayo all follow in quick succession on the calendar. Mother’s Day, Flag Day, and Father’s Day all come within weeks (or days) of each other. And even on the left’s most hated holidays like Columbus Day, they don’t issue a “happy holidays” to skip a name they don’t want to repeat.
The push for a “Happy Holidays” at these times is non-existent because inclusion simply is not the goal. Their objective is to erase the Christian heritage that the world has celebrated every December for centuries. Christmas is unavoidably Christian. Even the seemingly commercialized parts of Christmas come back to Christ! The legend of Santa Claus ties right back to Saint Nicholas of Myra, an early Christian bishop.
The reality of Happy Holidays is that there is, in fact, a war on Christmas. More specifically, there is a war between cultural Marxism and Judeo Christian culture around the world. Don’t let the socialist grinches steal your joy or your Christmas tree with fake, politically correct phrases. The world over decks-out every December not for 30 different holidays, but for the main event — Christmas.
Liberals truly do fulfill the criticism of Linus in the classic Charlie Brown Christmas Special: “you’re the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem.” Make no mistake: Happy Holidays isn’t about inclusion. It’s about ditching Christmas.