Personal responsibility is a difficult idea for many Americans to come to grips with. Lots of folks like to complain about everything that is wrong with the world, but few would be willing to do anything about it. According to a recent study conducted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, 67% of Americans are “very or somewhat concerned about climate change,” yet 35% would be unwilling to spend even one dollar of their own money on climate change mitigation.
That is where Big Brother Government steps into the equation. It’s the ultimate pass-through scam. Americans would be in an uproar if they had to add a “climate change mitigation” line item to their budget, but if their taxes were raised, they likely would not bat an eye. We expect the government to raise taxes and misuse our money, so we give up without a fight when they give our tax dollars to ridiculous leftist initiatives. What makes this racket especially terrible is the fact that the government keeps most of the money for themselves long before the first dollar goes to help anyone in need.
The so-called “Green New Deal” is the hottest item on the market for global warming alarmists. Leftists consider it the best way for us to save the planet, but they do not often mention the fact that it would cost as much as $93 trillion. That’s $600,000 for every household in America. If 75% of citizens aren’t even willing to put $50 on the line for climate change, how do they expect us to pony up $600,000?
Personal responsibility needs to make a big comeback in our nation. I hope every American will be passionate about what is going on in the world, but no one should expect the government to solve every problem for them. If you care about the environment, take steps to reduce your environmental impact. If you care about the needy, give of your time and money to do something about it. All of us should be concerned about sound government policy, but never to the detriment of our own personal responsibility to take action.