For Immediate Release: May 13, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
The Golden Rule of Fake News: Ignore Their Shiny Objects, Look Elsewhere For the Truth
Washington, D.C.: “Whenever the Fake News media flashes shiny objects in your face, you know there’s something else they don’t want us to see,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “Every day, we cannot escape their headlines about Ukraine, Elon Musk, and now a mysterious and egregious leak from the Supreme Court. My question, and the public’s, too, should be what exactly is happening behind the topics they want us in a frenzy over?
“In the midst of a crisis over baby formula on store shelves, it may shock you to learn that the nation’s largest formula plant has been closed now for three months by the Food and Drug Administration. Despite their investigation that found no product concerns, the FDA has mysteriously refused to allow the plant to reopen. Also unexplained remains the twenty-five, at least, major food processing plants across the country that have been ravaged by fires and accidents. Sometimes such overwhelming oddities demand us not to believe in coincidence.
“But worst of all is the absolute silence on both of these issues by American news media! A quick internet search of either topic reveals mostly foreign news services. The Fake News media’s ignoring of these suspicious disruptions to our food supply chain is about as blatant as their suppression of the Biden Administration’s war on American energy while working families suffer at the pump.
“Remember: Fake News isn’t only manufactured stories! The sin of omission is just as bad, if not even more dangerous, since Americans don’t even know what facts and truths to search for. In this midterm election year, we cannot afford to be fed information! Get out and do your own research!”