Far from uniting the country, Biden is dividing it by allowing Fauci and other entrenched public health officials to run roughshod over cherished American freedoms. Millions who oppose the push for mandatory vaccination are actually rank-and-file Democrats, as the New York Times admitted in dismay in its own analysis of who is declining the jab. Minorities and many young liberals are eschewing the Covid vaccine, not just rural white evangelicals whom liberals have tried to scapegoat for the disease resurgence.
Americans rejecting the Covid vaccine constitute a population larger than all of Germany, unlikely to switch just because socialists at the FDA mysteriously label the Covid vaccine as no longer experimental. VAERS, the vaccine injury reporting database, tells a story different from Fauci’s by listing more than 12,000 incidents of people dying after receiving the Covid vaccine, leaving behind countless loved ones.
Liberals always knew that a significant percentage of Americans would decline the Covid vaccine no matter what the D.C. bureaucrats say or do. Distrust of government is healthy and particularly high among many Democrat voters, such as minorities. Videos released and then taken down of Obama’s birthday party did not increase trust in public officials. Obama and others were filmed partying away without masks, while leading Democrat politicians insist that even schoolchildren be required to constantly wear masks. NFL football players are not required to take the Covid vaccine and several have spoken out against attempts to ostracize them. Notable Olympic athletes declined the Covid vaccine, too.
Americans have access to more information than they have ever had before. Although the internet has been misused by many, I can only imagine what our Founding Fathers would have thought about the ability for any citizen to instantaneously arm himself with any information he wants.
Given this unprecedented access to information, Americans should have more choice than ever before. Why should the government force citizens to take a vaccine when anyone can make an informed decision about it for themselves? That’s the same faith we put in voters at the ballot box. Individual choice is and should be the hallmark of our free society.