“Imagination run riot” is the only way to describe the slanted reports blaming “police riots” for the violence at the Democratic National Convention last summer. The police were attacked by barrages of rocks. bottles, and human excrement, they were kicked by hippies with razor blades sticking from their shoes, 192 policemen were injured – but when the police tried to defend themselves and the city of Chicago from these lawbreakers led by professional agitators, the police are accused of “brutality” and of starting a “police riot.”
All those who stand for law and order should support their local police. Reproduced below is a paid advertisement which was run in the local newspaper by the Alton District Women’s Republican Club.

The placing of this advertisement was very well received by the community, and the club received this appreciative letter from the president of the Alton Unit of the Policemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association:
Dear Mrs. Droste;
“On behalf of the members of the Alton Police Benevolent and Protective Association, Unit #14 of Alton, I would like to thank you and the Organization for your piece in the Alton Evening Telegraph. It is a rare occasion when a Police Officer gets any kind of praise, and even more rare when a person takes the time and money to make any praise known to the public.
“This may sound a little strange, but I saw men on this department take and cut the clipping and put it in their wallets. It would appear to most persons now that the only thing the Police are involved in is Police brutality. These same persons wouldn’t even take the time to find out who the persons are that are making these so called cries. If they would they will find that they are nearly always undesirables or known Police characters, who have no respect for the law. Police Officers, or any of the rights of other individuals.
“Again I would like to express my thanks to you and hope that you will express the thanks of our Police organization to the members of your organization.
Lt. Robert Churchich, President”