The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great show today. Great show with some interesting guests. We’ll catch up with Colonel John Mills, our old friend who’s written another book on what is happening with the deep state and what to do about it, not just what’s happening, but what to do about it.
And also, I pre recorded this interview so I know what’s coming. It’s an interview with Dick Morris. Dick Morris, the famous political consultant. Well known for most, I think most famous for being a consultant to Bill Clinton, even though Dick Morris is, I think, considers himself a Republican and considers himself more center right than left. But he helped Bill Clinton triangulate as the term and get his second term in office. And so Dick Morris got famous for that also had some controversies in his own life and he has a new book called Corrupt, Corrupt and he in the in the interview which is in a few moments he talks about how completely over the top the Joe Biden corruption is. The book, by the way, is Corrupt and it’s about Joe Biden. It’s not. I should have said that it’s it’s the the book is called Corrupt and then it’s how the Biden crime family has laundered money or something like that. And it goes through chapter and verse. Of the corruption of the Biden family, but my point Here is when you listen to his interview. He will tell you this is so far beyond the normal influence peddling of people in power. People in power do influence peddle and do you know they get their kids into the Naval Academy and they get their other kids jobs and they get their wife a lobby job and all that. But this is so far beyond that. It’s unbelievable. So we’ll we’ll hear from him. He’s also helping Donald Trump’s campaign, so I asked him about that and whether Trump is on track and he actually used the phrase. He said no matter what they do to Trump, even if they put him in jail, he thinks that he’s gonna win. So that’s pretty extraordinary, by the way. It’s pretty extraordinary just to hear him say, even if they put him in jail so. All right.
But hey, what you need to know today. Today’s WYNK. What you need to know, WYNK, what you need to know and go to and sign up there for my emails. And here’s what you need to know.
Mike Pence dropped out. Mike Pence dropped out. Now there’s two points I want to make. One is about Mike Pence’s campaign for president and the other is about this moment in. In time in the presidential campaigns, first about Mike Pence, Mike Pence.
I have told you about presidential fever. Presidential Fever is a kind of malaria, like fever that gets into the bloodstream of people who run for president and get relatively close. Meaning well, they they they get close. To being president. Think of Mitt Romney, John McCain, the late John McCain, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton. They’re just not the same. These people, after they, after they have a run for president, they they just are unable to be the same as they were before. They act like the world should have delivered them as President. They’re sort of condescending, sneering. Unpleasant. All those kinds of things. Dick Cheney was somewhat exempt from that, although it seems like the maybe the bloodborne, the the presidential fever got in his daughter Liz Cheney’s bloodstream because she acts like that. But be that as it may. Be that as it may, that’s a problem. And now I realize that presidential fever not only is common, and let me say it this way, presidential fever, the the virus that gets into the bloodstream of those who received the nomination of a major party that is real and obvious.
It also appears that vice presidents. Can get a similar. A virus. And that’s the case with Mike Pence. Mike Pence had no chance, zero chance of winning for president. He had zero chance. And frankly, almost ever I I’ve only met him once. He’s a nice enough guy, I suppose, but he does not have his finger on the pulse of the grassroots of the Republican Party. He’s he’s a creation of the sort. Of the of an era George W Bush era. You could call it or a late, late 20th century, late 21st century. Sorry. 21st century, 20th century. That’s kind of funny. You know, he comes out of that era where he, he sounds a certain way. He acts a certain way.
And look, I would have said at the end of the presidency of Donald Trump his first term. That Mike Pence was a very effective VP, he was competent, serious in the background, et cetera. But I have to say, as a candidate, I I just don’t know why he thought he could win. And then when he thought he could win he the way he did it was he had to attack Trump. And it it was an impossible situation, even if he was a serious candidate who was energetic and popular, he would have had to say Donald Trump’s presidency was somehow flawed. He would have had to criticize his own job in a way. And so that was a never what? Was never going to work and then he was really, really ill served by his own vision or his consultants vision to run for president and be so sneering and nasty about Trump and Trump’s voters. I mean, I don’t know how he could have damaged himself more no matter what happens, no matter what happens, the reality is that his career is over. I mean, he’s he will not be. It will take I I don’t know. He’s not. He’s in the 60s. It will take a decade for people to have good feelings about him and it will only happen, you know, after a Trump second term. And where people say ohh good, Trump got through that and it worked out. Well, and now we’ll. And maybe maybe at that point he can come back into the swing of things and say, look, I was there for Trump the beginning, and I I did my part and let me, you know, get be be sort of respected as a senior statesman, but I don’t think so. I think in the era of of 24 hour. 24 hour social media, you know, 60 seconds, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute, 60 seconds just. On on, on. On I don’t think he ever recovers. I really don’t. I I think Mike Pence, and frankly it was such bad judgment. It made me, I mean, it just really was such bad judgment for him to run and Run the way he did. I would have understood if he had run. And said I’m waiting in case Trump can’t run. But once it was clear Trump was running and it was serious, he needed to get out of that game.
Now brings me to my second point. What you need to know is you’re going to watch a chorus. A chorus, and the voices are out already, that there’s a a Politico, A breathless Politico article about how Nikki Haley’s surge is coming at the right time, which is she’s gone from 6 to 7% something. That and what they really are trying to write is that De Santis is done. But what? Here’s what you need to know, there will be now a series of stories about how there is going to be a surge from this person or that, and there’ll be even more stories. There’s one of these already that says if we just clear the field, it will become head-to-head. And Trump is in real trouble. Chris Christie was quoted over the weekend as saying now that Pence is out, people are going to start to look for an opportunity. They’re going to look for a coal, and more people will drop out and then there will be a coalescing. Now you have to wonder, why isn’t Chris Christie dropping out? I think he’s at like 2%, maybe 3%. He does get a number of donors. He I think he’s gonna be on the debate stage because he’s received a bunch of donors. So he’s got the right number of donors and he’s got a couple of percentage points. But I wouldn’t think I think he wants to be the one that they coalesce around. But I don’t know how that makes any sense. I don’t know how that argument can be plausible because I just don’t know. I just don’t know. If there’s any way to believe that he could be the guy that they coalesce around. I mean, I I really don’t know. I mean I. I think he’s gonna say that, and he’s gonna stay around. And actually, he’s probably gonna stay around and and hang in there hoping that they come around to him. But I don’t know why they would. I don’t think they will, and it will be interesting to see how long he is tolerated by people who will be saying things like, hey, shouldn’t we get this cleared out and then aren’t you one of the guys that should get out of the way? And should get out, you know, should not be in this. So we’ll see what happens. We’ll see what happens, but that you’re gonna watch a a a a number of stories. And if I don’t know who can actually get ah pick up a bunch of of voters and sort of say oh, look, here’s a pathway to get to 35% and then you’re you’re fighting with Trump’s 45 or 50%. In various states and make an argument. I don’t see that. I don’t see that. I don’t see any indication in the political articles or anything else. So, but we’re in that season, we’re in that season and a lot of people who wanted Trump beaten in 2016. And always bemoaned the fact that it took too long to get down to head to head.
They forget that when it got to be head to head and it was Trump versus Cruz, Cruz got beaten soundly. I mean, it wasn’t even close. And Cruz was supposed to be a candidate who could hold the conservatives and get all the Never Trumpers, and it was going to really work. He got destroyed by Trump. He got destroyed by Trump in terms of messaging, in terms of positioning, in terms of likability. But now, in 2024, the Trump campaign has a massive and developed campaign. In 2016, it was Trump and his personality, and Corey Lewandowski. And and a few others. You know, he had to. He had Kellyanne Conway, but he didn’t have a real campaign. He’s got a real campaign now.
He’s got a real campaign now and you know the the the better indication was Larry Elder ran for president for six or seven or 15 weeks. I don’t know. I was gonna say six months. I think that’s too long, but four or five months maybe. And he had no, not a real following, but people like Larry Elder who’s very, very good speaker and very clear on what he thought could be America could be better. And he dropped out, endorsed Trump. So nobody’s going from Larry Elder to a new candidate. So it’s not going anywhere. But anyway, good riddance, Mike Pence. I’m glad he’s out. That’s we should say it that way. It was a dumb mistake to run, and now we’ll see what happens next. That’s what you need to know. We’ll take a break and be right back. Ed Martin and the Pro America Report. We got Dick Morris in a moment, and also Colonel John Mills. Be right back.