The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome! Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great show coming up today. Great show, a really great show.
And in particular, I’m looking forward to talking with John Schlafly, catching up with him, but also Dr. Edward Bartlett, who is the head of an organization called SAVE, which is focused on Title IX and how the Title IX efforts of the federal government have been used to create these kangaroo courts on college campuses, university campuses. We talked months ago now with a professor, retired professor from university, who walked us through and talked us through how these Title IX kangaroo courts can work. Well, the Trump administration didn’t eliminate them, but gave them more due process, gave them standards, and the Biden administration is about to flip that back. So we’ll talk with Dr. Edward Bartlett about that.
But first, what do you need to know today? What’s your WYNK today? What do you need to know?
I got a lot of feedback from folks in the last couple of weeks on what their highest priority issues are, and one of them is election integrity. That’s the phrase that pays. People talk about it all the time. Let me just tell you something, as I’ve been thinking it through, working on it, it’s all hands on deck time. It’s all hands on deck time because the Democrats and the left admitted that they spent hundreds of millions of dollars, to quote, “fortify the election.”
Now, they said they didn’t cheat. Let’s take them at their word. But they did admit that they used every single legal avenue to increase their possibility, their way of succeeding.
Again, let’s take them at their word. No one has proven the fraud. I happen to think there’s some real, real likelihood that there were major problems. But if it hasn’t been proven, let’s concede it.
But then we have to go back and we have to move on what they admitted. They admitted hundreds of millions of dollars. Not just the Zuckerbucks, not just the get out the vote, but the lawyers, thousands of lawyers hired by the Democrats and the left paid, money raised and paid. I would add to that, by the way, the fake polls, the fake news, all those kinds of things. They used every single way that they could to win the election, to “fortify the election.” That’s what they said. That’s the term they use, fortify the election.
So here’s what you need to know.
Does anybody think that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Joe Biden and all of the assorted and related entities that have made a massive amount of money, have transferred massive amounts of wealth? Think about it in the last couple of years. We’re not talking about a couple of hundred million dollars. We’re talking about a couple hundred billion dollars. We’re talking about a trillion dollars. We’re talking about money that was transferred during the Covid era and afterwards, the infrastructure deals, all that stuff. We’re talking about hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars, trillions of dollars, all told, transferred. So if someone’s got access to that much money and power, money is not the problem. Money is not lacking. If you’re on the left, if you’re a Democrat right now, you have plenty of money because you got all the power. The money has been coming to you. And now we have news that the Biden administration, joe Biden, President Biden, has signed an executive order to spend a billion with a B dollars to “fortify the election.” So tax dollars spent to fortify the election this fall and it will be run by the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security will have a billion dollars to go ahead and try to protect, among other things, the fortification that they did in the election having to do especially with ballot boxes and dropboxes and early voting and all those other things.
So now we have the government deciding that they will play a massive role in the elections in such a way that they will influence what’s happening or fortify the election.
So my point here is what you need to know is A, when someone has enough money, when someone has enough money to influence what’s going on, right? When that exists, and there is, something will happen. Right? Now if you say that the administration and the left had started, in 2020, had fortified the election and succeeded, would they do it again? Yeah, of course.
How could they not? Why would they not? What you need to know is there’s just no chance that if you had people in 2020 get away with fortifying the election and they have another opportunity and they have plenty of money, why wouldn’t they do it again? What is the reason that they wouldn’t do it again? And so my point here is all hands on deck because they’re about to do it again. They’re about to do the fortification of the election again, meaning they’re going to spend hundreds of millions of dollars, more than that likely, and they’re going to try to fortify the election. They’re admitting it. They’re using this is the report that there’s a billion dollars being spent to federalize the ballot boxes run by the federal government. In other words, to fortify the election.
I mean, at this point, it’s not like they’re hiding it. It’s not like they’re deciding that they might, may or may not actually spend the money. Why does anybody think that Nancy Pelosi and her administration would decide, by the way, I think I misspoke, HUD is going to be the lead agency, not Homeland Security, HUD. But why would anybody think that they would suddenly say, oh well, we had a good run, let’s give up power? No way.
Absolutely no way. There is no way that they wouldn’t do exactly what they did in the 2020 election. If in fact they say they did everything legally, why wouldn’t they do it again? Why wouldn’t they do it again, it’s obviously a necessary thing that they thought they should do, and they’re going to do it again. The billion dollars. Billion dollars, everybody. I mean, again, all hands on deck. I will tell you that if there are places you want to look when you look back in time and you say, well, was the Trump campaign ready for what happened?
Not really. They had a couple of dozen lawyers, maybe more than that, but the other side had a thousand lawyers. I mean, they had a strategy to get power, and they went about it again. Back up. One more shot.
One more time, and I’ll stop. I’m sorry. There’s been a lot going on, but just walk through what you need to know.
Walk through what I’m saying to you. And by the way, my great friend Frieda Keough, she said she listens all the time. She’s one of the great fighters for election integrity out in Missouri. Frieda Keough. What a lady. Thank you for listening. Frieda. But let me just walk you through this, what you need to know, one more time.
First, if you succeed in fortifying the election, if the Democrats succeeded in fortifying the 2020 election, meaning change the rules, change the process in the ways that gave them the best chance to win, and they say they did that. They announced that they did that. They say they didn’t cheat. I’m not even trying to argue that. I’m just saying they conceded. They have said, we were able to spend millions and millions, hundreds of millions of dollars to fortify the election in such a way that it was to our advantage for us to win. Okay? That’s number one. If you do that once and it works, why wouldn’t you do it again? Why wouldn’t you do it again? I mean, if you want to be very cynical, you say if your kid steals a cookie and gets caught and there’s no punishment, or even more importantly, steals a cookie and doesn’t get caught, well, they’re going to do it again until they get caught. So in this case, the Democrats have said, the left has said, we fortify the election with hundreds of millions of dollars. We got that money. We used it to change the rules in ways that will help us win, and we did it. And now we don’t even have to raise the money from Zuckerberg and others. We’ve got a billion dollars coming from the Biden administration to do it. So that’s number one. They did it before, they’ll do it again. Why wouldn’t they?
Number two, what I just implied, if you have the power Pelosi, McConnell, excuse me, Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, you have a billion dollars now. You’re saying to people, hey, I got the power. I got the power, I’ve got the money. Let’s go. It’s not like you have to convince them. You don’t have to even motivate them. You don’t have to get them excited. You’re paying them. You’re paying them to do it. And so on one side of this equation right now are people that have proven that they know how to fortify the system, gain advantage, get the money, and go ahead and do it. On our side, meaning we the people. It’s pretty much time to say, all hands on deck. What are we going to do?
What are you going to do? Now, the easy answer is local action, national impact. That’s what General Flynn has said. I’m not saying it’s easy. That’s one way to think. Okay? Get motivated, get focused. Do something at the local level, meaning get into a polling place, turn on your phone, you know, transparency all around. That’s right. And demand as the second point that there be more action at the national level. Where are the Republicans that are going to say, what’s the story here? How are we going to stop this? I don’t think it’s going to work to just have every man or woman win their race. That’s what generally we get conservatives, we the people. We say we’re just going to go win our races. I don’t think that works this time because the forces on the other side are too big and too powerful. What you need to know is it’s late July.
You’ve got three months. You’ve got three months. And right now what’s coming is going to be a fortified election by the money from the left. We know how that turned out in 2020. Whatever you think of the actual results, that’s that’s what happened. That’s what you have to wonder about. All right, we got to take a break. We’ll come back and we will talk with Dr. Ed Bartlett as well as John Schlafly. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. We will be back in a moment.