What You Need to Know is the Democrat Primary is a total mess. Bloomberg is a hot mess. Elizabeth Warren is in favor of ending girls’ sports. Here’s the trick: we need to listen to people. Let’s try listening to people’s gripes (especially the Bernie voters) in this total mess.
John Schlafly talks about this week’s #SchlaflyReport: Early Voting Sparks Brokered Convention Nightmare.
Rod Blagojevich getting thrown under the bus for his own party, just because Trump commuted his sentence? Also, how about that brokered Democrat convention? Bloomberg is quietly plotting this strategy — why the powers that be set up systems to prevent that.
Mini Mike called Bernie a Communist at the Debate last week, and it’s true. But did you know on stage there was another “fellow traveler” Have you heard this code word before — I tell you what it means and who it was.