For Immediate Release: November 9, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “The dust may be settling, but the results and counting of Midterm Election votes is far from over,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “Even as many races are still being tabulated and the power balance of Congress isn’t yet known, we can start to trot out several lessons from this consequential Midterm!”
“First, overconfidence and over-worry are both dangerous when they’re in the driver’s seat,” Martin continued. “It’s easy to get swept up in either and make assumptions instead of continuing to grind it out to the bitter end. Second, we cannot let an overconfident bubble burst distract us from the many victories that took place. Kansas handed their Attorney General’s office back to conservative stalwart Kris Kobach, who never shies from a fight. Florida conservatives flipped a historic number of counties. The Republican Party, complete with new conservative blood, appears poised to take control of the House of Representatives. I could go on and on, but at the end of the day, we cannot forget the good results because the fantastic ones did not occur.”
Martin concluded, “What important lessons can we learn, though? Several! First and foremost we must recognize the absolutely serious truth that America’s voting population is far more in the middle (or further) than is comfortable. This truth is ultimately the fuel of lacking voter confidence in many states’ election authorities and processes. If it wasn’t that close, not nearly as many voters would be worried about fraud and shenanigans.
“Second, we must face the fact that historic ‘red waves’ typically were to be found in states whose electoral processes have been secured. The many disappointing races that defy the polling trends are in Blue states with very questionable policies. While we absolutely must not use this as an excuse for conservative losses last night, it’s a fact that must be recognized and reckoned with.
“Grassroots conservatives have major work in front of us! There are hearts and minds to be won all across our culture, and there’s integrity and voter confidence to restore in many broken counties and states. While Tuesday’s results aren’t as fantastic as we had hoped, they ought to give us all hope that turning this great ship of state is an attainable goal. Fight on we must! I have no doubt that Phyllis Schlafly, the consummate happy warrior of politics, would urge us all to this call to action. Take our licks and lessons and keep going! There is no time to rest.”