Americans have inherited a wonderful land of liberty and prosperity, and I believe it’s the personal duty of each of us to do what we can to safeguard our magnificent heritage. Part of our heritage is that we have the right to self-government, a right few people in the history of the world have ever enjoyed. We are falling down on the job if we fail to use that right of self-government to maintain our heritage.

These issues aren’t going away – they are waiting for voters like you to decide how they’ll be handled and who will be doing it.
Next Tuesday is Election Day. You may think it’s “just” the midterms and not a Presidential year, but Americans will nonetheless choose Members of Congress, one-third of U.S. Senators, and thousands of other state, county, and local office holders. Remember: somebody will be elected to those offices, and as Phyllis Schlafly always said – Jesus will not be on the ballot. The candidates on the ballot will not be our saviors; we have only one Savior. Each of us should encourage ALL citizens, especially Christians, to embrace their citizenship not merely as a duty and privilege, but as an opportunity to participate in rebuilding the moral fabric of our nation.
Our culture is boiling over with hot button issues, that have invaded our television screens and our dinner table conversations. These issues aren’t going away – they are waiting for voters like you to decide how they’ll be handled and who will be doing it. President Trump has already appointed two justices to the Supreme Court in as many years, and accomplished a numbers of goals he promised to address. We want a Congress and state officials who will make sure that the America First agenda is bolstered. That free speech is respected. That our nation is ruled by laws. That American citizens come first in priority.
You and I can’t fire bureaucrats or turn out activist judges, but we can elect office holders who will pass good laws, confirm good judges, and fight back against the globalist Deep State. The times call for the active participation of ALL good Americans in the political process to support candidates who will stand up for America and for our Constitution.