What You Need to Know is Audit The Vote! It’s not clear that our elections are free or fair. For the last 5 years we’ve had a crisis in confidence in elections. 75% of Republicans believe that elections just aren’t done right. And we can’t tell if our elections are free or fair because we can’t audit them. Arizona proves that we need more audits not fewer. We need full audits of the ballots/voters, machines, and the money. AUDIT THE VOTE! Let’s do this for the Republic.
Craig Shirley, presidential historian and Ronald Reagan biographer, talks about the release of John Hinkley, Jr., Reagan’s would-be assassin and the murderer of Jim Brady. He’s never seen a day in prison thanks to left wing courts. Find Craig’s books Reagan Revolution and Mary Ball Washington and others coming down the pipeline at CraigShirley.com.
Dean Reuter, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of The Federalist Society, talks about his brand new book — The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America’s Deal with the Devil. This is a fascinating and detailed look into history. Find the book and also check out FedSoc.org.
Wrap up: Reflecting on post-World War II, technology race with the Soviets, and the hunt for Nazi leaders. Was George Soros a Nazi collaberator? His father was, and information may point to Soros misleading U.S. officials about his family when applying for citizenship.