What You Need to Know is Lawfare is meant to destroy! Lawfare means that if you cannot convict then you destroy. The prosecutor for the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is corrupt because he had no case. His plan now is to destroy the system by forcing a mis-trial and blaming the judge who he will claim is a white supremacist like Rittenhouse. The prosecutor will claim that Rittenhouse got off because of the corruption of the system when really, the prosecutor is the corruption of the system!
Mickey Kaus, journalist, and author, shares about the state of writing these days. Mickey talks about the infrastructure bill and also how nothing has changed to protect our border. Check out his writings at KausFiles.com.
Dr. Ted Malloch, frequent contributor to American Greatness, shares his recent article Economic Populism and Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is virtual currency that is secured by cryptography and is difficult to counterfeit. The government is scared of cryptocurrency because they have no control over it. Check out his articles at TedMalloch.com.
Wrap up: Caring for our elders should be a top priority. Unfortunately, the systems set up to “care” for elders have turned lucrative. This is a massive problem. Caring for elders should be values-driven, not money-driven.