The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together and a lot going on this week. Busy week in America, lots happening all over the place. And so we’ll cover some of it. And we’ve got some great interviews coming up, including catching up with Ted Malloch, our old friend Ted Malloch, who has been doing lots of different things and mostly getting well. He had had a cancer scare and fought through that, and he’ll be back. He’s got a column running this week. So we’ll talk with him. A couple of book reviews. And some more.
But first, let’s get to what you need to know. Today’s WYNK and remind you, go over to and sign up there. Make sure you’re signed up for the Daily WYNK and the WYNK. What you need to know cause summarizes what’s happening. A number one thing.
Today’s WYNK is about fake comedy. Fake comedy, you say what are you talking about? And here we go. Fake news we got, you know, lawfare going on all these things. Here’s what I want to observe. Here’s what I tell you.
I saw a piece over the weekend about how pathetic, how pathetic the The comedy routines are with regard to Joe Biden, and so it was kind of interesting to see. I was surprised to see the coverage. I was surprised to see the story it was in Politico, which is, you know, I I like to check in on Politico and see what they’re up to, cause they they’re it’s generally left-leaning. And, but smart and always tracking what’s going on, they’re sort of in the know on what is happening and they have a piece, long long piece about how the comedy routines and the late night comedy absolutely, positively went over the top and and being anti Trump. And they go at length. It’s one of the Politico does a magazine, you know, they have a lengthy, which is just a it’s all online, but it’s it’s code for it being a longer piece. You know, instead of 2000 words or 1800 words. It’s 5, 6, 7000 sometimes, and so the the the covered this this magazine piece therefore lengthy was all about how it used to be. Late Night Comics would always take a, you know, gentle shot at both sides, but they wouldn’t Be in the tank for one side and they go through this the the authors go through this as multiple authors and say look at this point. It’s totally in the tank.
And they kind of blame Colbert, Stephen Colbert for being the first one that sort of flipped things, but it’s not clear when you read it. It it’s all of them, you know, it’s it’s all the all the pundits, all the late night TV folks. They just, they’re just totally gone and they spend Much of their time, it’s a little bit like Howard Stern, you know, it was so surprising to see Howard Stern. Be so sycophantic. That’s a word. But such a suck up to Joe Biden. It was pathetic. I mean, I I never liked that Howard Stern. He wasn’t my guy. I didn’t think he was funny. I thought he was really too far and too, you know, dirty and dirty old man. Even when he was a young man.
But he there he was interviewing Joe Biden. Howard Stern. He was he. He literally said, you know, you’re an inspiration. You’re a hero. You make us so happy and all, wild. Ohh. I was, misspoke. The this was not a team. This piece in Politico is written by one author, Calder McHugh. I’ve never heard of Calder McHugh before, but described as a deputy editor of Politico. So.
But he goes through this and and the big the star is Stephen Colbert, but then through, like Jimmy Kimmel and, you know, Stephen Colbert hosted A fundraiser for Trump, for Trump, for Biden a few weeks ago. You know, it was totally partisan. But then he goes through Jimmy Kimmel. And you know, goes through the others in comedy and basically says. That it’s over that comedy is basically ruined. Yeah. Jimmy Fallon. Oh, Jimmy Fallon has been really over the top.
Remember, Jimmy Fallon had on Trump in 2015 or 2016, and he pulled on his hair to show that his hair was real and he he got in trouble, Jimmy Fallon, for being too nice. And that was sort of the beginning of the end.
And my point is this. All of it was fake. All of it was fake, all of it counted on the fact that we didn’t know how bad these people were, how biased they were, how in the tank they were. And so it was like fake news.
We were told the news was honest. Now we know the news was not honest. It never was honest. It was always fake news. It was always misleading. Or say it better.
It was always designed. To give us the narrative and have us believe it. The so-called narrative machine.
Big history. If you watch MSNBC Morning Joe, you can see Michael Beschloss, who until five years ago was described as a serious historian. He looks like a mental patient. He looks like he’s mentally deranged what he says. Beschloss is like that. John Meacham is a total partisan historian. At a certain point, you realize the histories that we’ve been told. Are not, you know are are beyond reproach. They’re not influenced by politics. They’re the histories. They’re as fake as anything. They’re as biased as anything. Let alone as Elon Musk alluded to, you know, used to say that history was written by the victors, and Elon Musk said unless the losers have access to Wikipedia, and then they rewrite it, which is true.
And so we’re living in this extraordinary time. The number I, you, you sort of wonder to yourself, could we have had as much exposure Of of how duplicitous and fake. And and powerful, the government and the the the ruling class was, would we have had that exposure except for Trump?
It feels like they all reacted to Trump, that they’re obsessed with Trump.
But is it Trump or is it the the moment in history? Is it Trump or is it the fact that the. The media that the the apparatus for the media is sort of changed so dramatically and so substantially that. When they were. All we were forced to see, you know, beneath the hood, as they say, I’m not sure. I’m not sure I have a good answer.
But I mean to think about it. Fake history exposed. Fake News exposed. The cabals the the uniparty that is running the the giveaway of money exposed, you know, call it the uniparty, call it the kingmakers wherever you want.
COVID exposed to fake science. I mean, blatantly even.
Even so, for example, even Voice of America and NPR, who we all thought were liberal, we didn’t think they were totally fraudulent. Now we see they’re just totally fraudulent, meaning that they’re not honest with what they’re doing. They’re not sincere at what they’re doing. They’re doing what they want and it’s so blatantly political now that and it’s having an impact.
So we’re back to this reality of what I call the Narrative Machine and the Narrative Machine is big tech, big media. And big government working together. But then I’ve had to add in. I’ve had to add in big business, right. It’s kind of the bigs, it’s the, it’s the old example of it’s the old use of the phrase big by Andrew Breitbart. Remember he started, he started Big Government, he started Big Hollywood. He was he he he had this as his sort of framing. On all those websites just kind of disappeared.
But you you could just look at this and say, OK, what’s what’s going on big media, I guess you put big media, you put in all the the Sunday, the the weeknight comedians, you know the Colbert and the Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon, I guess you put them all in there. So that is part of fake media.
But what an unbelievable time for us to be able to see how fraudulent. Ohh, I know what I wanted to tell you. Another example. I’m looking at my notes again. Another example of this. Is the discovery which some of us knew, but it hasn’t been as stark of the fact that if you’re a politician and you get a $10 million advance to write a book, it’s just a payout. It’s just a payout for playing ball. Mike Pence got one, Joe Biden got one. Nobody buys books. Enough of those books. None of them are popular enough. It’s just a way to get paid. If you’re an establishment guy. Joe Biden’s book. And he had to Joe Biden when he was writing his, getting his book written by a ghost writer. He had to keep all this classified material. That’s one of the reasons Biden had the classified material because he had to give his ghost writer something that he could work on. And so he’s given his classified material, which he wasn’t allowed to have. He was not allowed to have.
I hate to do this, but one of the other fakers is fake law enforcement. Fake law enforcement, where it’s clear they’re not being serious, not being honest, not playing by the rules. I mean the fake. I guess the fake framing can go a little far. You know, I can get myself caught up in it a little bit too much, but the reality is it’s just a mess.
And again. What I really want to know. Is. Or or. Think through and talk through. Is it Trump that triggered it or was it this moment and it was gonna happen?
I think it’s a combination of both. I think the technology and the ability for people to see what’s going on and start to critique it gave us an entree. But I think Trump was such a threat. To the system that they had built up that they couldn’t let him have it, they couldn’t let him succeed. And so he became a target and and then also as he became a target, the system around it, the big the ability for normal people to look at technology, to look at big tech, big media and big government to critique it. Everything from the accountability scrutiny to, you know, searching through algorithms and all, and then these lucky breaks like X being, Twitter being purchased by Elon Musk becoming X and having the Twitter files exposed.
I mean, it’s an extraordinary, extraordinary run of exposure of the Fake. And it stick it. It counts to fake Comedy. There you have it.
All right, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back. We’re to talk with Ted Malloch today. And a lot more. It’s Ed Martin here on. The Pro America Report back in a moment.