The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome Welcome welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report, looking forward to two very interesting interviews.
New guests on the program, Jeremy Beck from over at We’ll talk with him about immigration issues and also John Nantz. John Nantz wrote a column in Town Hall. Dot com post it over there on Rush Limbaugh. And my friend Fred Zielonko from St. Louis who worked with Rush Limbaugh when Fred was had many different iterations of working and finishing as general manager of KMOX the the huge blowtorch in St. Louis. He sent it to me and I read and I said that’s really interesting. It talked about sort of how Rush Limbaugh played this larger than life role for conservatives, but part of his effectiveness, was, he was what I call, He was a a happy warrior, happy warrior. There’s a better phrase though that our guest John Nantz uses to talk about about Rush Limbaugh. He kind of ties it back. It’s really cool. He’s a retired FBI agent John Nantz is. He writes this piece and he kind of sets It up and says I always listened to Rush. And he was powerful, and other people are missing it. They’re missing something in it, and he talks about the phrase that is used is a phrase that Oscar Wilde used, the great writer and crazy wild character, and it’s called Oxford temper. The Oxford temper is the idea of having a certain ability to talk about serious things without getting What he calls a violence of opinion. Anyway, we’ll talk with John Nantz. We’ll get him on the show. We’ll get him on the show. So that’s very cool. I love to do that when I see somebody with their voice out in the public square, track them down and say, hey, what’s going on? Would you come on the show and when they do it’s fantastic. So I’m looking forward to that.
Alright, now what you need to know I I have come to have a little more clarity on the WYNK, the daily WYNK, what you need to know segment and that is, I see stuff you don’t see yet and I want to share it with you. It doesn’t mean I’m always right, but I’m always seeing what I’m seeing. If you get what I mean, it doesn’t. My conclusions may not always be right, although they’re really right a lot. But I was talking again to my friend Fred Zielonko about that article, and I was saying, you know that I see some of these things and I have to come. I have to be clearer with you on it. And here’s an example. What you need to know today it’s going to sound like, well, I don’t know, is that something that I need to know today? And my point is, watch, watch, watch and see. And we’ll find out. And that is this.
Over in Europe there is a massive scandal. And the massive scandal has to do with a massive amount of money that flowed into the European Union’s governing cities and into its politicians, and more importantly, into what they call over there, the NGO’s, non-governmental organizations. What that is, NGO is a term for non profit in the nonprofit sector and there are hundreds and hundreds of NGO’s that have sprung up in the last 30 years in Brussels and Strasbourg where the EU meets for a couple of weeks a year but mostly in Brussels and all across Europe. Why? Well, because there’s lots of people and lots of legislators and lots of bureaucrats and lots of money sloshing around. And as such, if there’s money being sloshed. And being spent the influence goes up. Remember what I told you yesterday. I think it was yesterday.
It there’s been an astronomical growth in the number of lobbyists in the Washington, DC area. The swamp that’s not because the issues got more important, it’s because the money is so much bigger. If you have $10 that you’re appropriating as the Federal Congress, there’s only so much you can do. If you have 10 billion, there’s a lot. If you have 10 trillion, which is what they say they added over the last few years, 10 trillion. Well, now it’s worth investing in lobbyists to try to get a piece of that pie. Right? the pie is pretty small when it’s $10, it’s pretty small when it’s $100, it’s even small when it’s $100 million, you make it 10 trillion. And suddenly it gets into. That’s what’s happening in the EU. So, but here’s the here’s the story.
The scandal that has broken looks like a sort of pay to play, pay to influence what’s going on. So Qatar, the the Gulf state which is oil rich, spent billion, millions and millions of dollars to try to get members of the European Parliament and the bureaucracy. To not critique their bad human rights record and not critique their bad labor record and it kind of worked, it looks like but the way they did it Was they did pay some of these members of parliament and bureaucrats directly, but a lot of times it looked, looks like they washed the money through nonprofits through NGO’s. Here’s what I want to tell you. The scandal is taking on larger and larger proportions in Europe, and it’s going to come to America and the form it’s going to come into America will, I hope, be a critique of the nonprofits like Soros’s nonprofits, like Planned Parenthood, like others, but it will include nonprofits closer to your home.
For example, Catholic Charities is going to get criticized and critiqued, I hope because the a lot of the Catholic Charities do massive amounts of funding get massive amounts of funding for the migrant questions the immigrant, illegal immigrant questions. But here’s the thing. Remember, it’s like the Biden crime family appears to have just done their corruption, the old fashioned way. They would say to someone. Invest in Hunter over there. He’ll make sure everybody gets paid. The big guy gets paid, the bills get paid, et cetera. But if you don’t have a Hunter Biden in your life, you run it through an NGO. Now we do have a good example of this.
There’s a really good example. You know what it is? The Clinton Foundation. And when you pull the string on the Clinton Foundation, you realize they were giving money out of an A desire for influence peddling. They were trying to influence the next President, Hillary Clinton at the time and they continue to do that. They do it with the Obama Foundation, but here’s my point on this is what you have to understand is what becomes clearer is that the influence is, they, they wash money and people through these places so that if you’re a whistleblower against Planned Parenthood. The universe of places where you can land, very small. Conservatives are, there are not that many conservative entities that say, hey, come here and I’ll reward you. You’re a whistleblower. You’ve taken a beating in public I’ll hire you.
Whereas on the left, if you’re a whistleblower on the left, or if you’re a A and never Trumper on the left, you got lots of jobs. You got lots of book deals. You got lots of places to land. You got Lots of money.
And my point here is, if we pull the string on the non profit world, you’re going to see that it’s a, It’s a, It’s a a bevy, a den of corruption, meaning, influence peddling. Now I will tell you the Select Committee on January 6, the UNSELECT Committee by Pelosi. I believe, but I have to go back and look. That they hired 3 or 4 Georgetown University law professors to be to be experts on topics, and I suspect, but don’t know that they paid them. I don’t know three or four or $500.00 an hour because law professors think of themselves as partners at law firms, and that’s what they would bill. And so you have the Select Committee, the unselect Committee of Congress paying who. They’re not paying thoughtful constitutional law professors. They’re paying left leaning, or if they’re paying constitutional law professors, they’re not going to give them answers that are for very long that are outside of the the expected response. That’s not how the unselect committee was working.
And my point to you, here, in the spirit of John Nantz we’re gonna talk to in a few minutes and Rush Limbaugh is watch what happens. And watch what happens when the lights start to turn onto nonprofits. The ultimate nonprofits in America, by the way, are the universities that have have compiled you know billions and billions of dollars in in endowments. And they’re but they’re not right now in the in the bright lights, because there’s far too many people that are graduates of those schools that are in the positions of power. And I I will tell you I’m listening to a book on tape called Spy Fail and it’s I, you know, my drive back and forth to work and driving the kids and it’s giving me more and more of a sense of how rampant this corruption is in the in the in the world in general. But in this case they’re spies and and one of the big spy masters who helps Israel. Ends up not being prosecuted, but all the underlings get prosecuted. Why? Well, the underlings didn’t have power.
But if you’re Harvard, you’re not getting the klieg lights. You’re not getting the klieg lights. Why not? Why not? Why aren’t we looking at these nonprofits and figuring out how they’re either using the tax code to their benefit or direct subsidies to to work against certain segments of the population. It doesn’t only have to be political. But the interesting thing that’s happening in Europe that I think will have an impact on us, is because of the way the European Union is the Parliament. It’s a it’s a parliamentary system, meaning there’s five or six major parties and across the nations they have members who are saying the one Liberal Party or Conservative Party or Green Party or. Whatever they are, and they’re fighting amongst themselves. And it’s not just the Conservatives that are on the hot seat. It’s not just one nation that’s on the hot seat, and what I think will happen here is you will have some country. Excuse me, some nonprofits end up in the on the hot seat with the bright lights.
That’s I think that’s what’s gonna happen. And when they do, it won’t be one ideology. There’ll be a couple different ones. I think. And I don’t mind that. I don’t mind that as long as they’re going after the the left too, you know, not leaving not leaving them out. I’m for more transparency in these nonprofits and I work in this world. I’m for more more transparency. Shine a light on all of it. Find out what you can about all of them. Get more clarity about all of them. That’s what I would say.
And so my point here, just to tell you what you need to know today is the the growing story in Europe Is this corruption. They call it Qatargate, they named it after Qatar, how you pronounce of your however you want to pronounce that nation. Qatar Qatar Gate is what they call it in Europe and when it comes to what happens from it, the fallout will be the the decimation Of the NGO community because of influence peddling and corruption. Family members hired former members hired to work at these NGO’s like the Clinton Foundation. And it will come to America, it’s coming this way. I hope. I hope.
Alright, we’re gonna take a break. We’ll come back and talk with John Nantz and then Jeremy Beck. Be right back. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Back in a moment.