The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, Welcome, welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. It’s great to be together and a lot happening. We’ll get to most of it, much of it, some of it. All of it, I don’t know. But what I will see we can do. Thank you for tuning in If you go there, you sign up for the daily e-mail. The daily WYNK that’s going there and you will be very pleased. Trust me. 8:00 East Coast Time, 5:00 Pacific Time and everywhere in between. You know, do it all at once. You get an e-mail in your inbox Monday through Friday in the morning gives you a couple of links, couple of pieces of information and most importantly in my mind, what you need to know, which is the WYNK, is what’s happening that maybe you didn’t see and you can put things together. Today’s WYNK is like a light. It was like a light bulb. Going on for me, I just suddenly realized something I was. Like, oh, I got it. And that is this. Biden and Romney share the same disease. It’s called presidential fever. It’s presidential fever and and I have been up until now I have been saying that presidential fever is only something that strikes. It’s like a malaria it. It gets in your bloodstream, it never gets out. I thought presidential fever was only. People that ran for office for president and got close enough and they never were the same. And you can think about this. There’s a John Kerry has presidential fever. Hillary Clinton has presidential fever. John McCain had presidential fever. Presidential fever is especially Acute if you Run and get the nomination. Mitt Romney, you get the nomination of your party and then. Don’t win. You were that close. You’re head to head. The other guy won. You know McCain and Romney, they watched Obama win. Hillary. Who? Trump wins.
And here’s the thing. I guess I have to say. Even Trump has presidential fever because he’s out of office. He wants to be in again. That’s not normal. People don’t necessarily want to run for president, so, but here’s the great thing.
Mitt Romney quit yesterday from the US Senate, and he quit because he thought he could go be a senator and people would care. And and he they don’t, they don’t care. He is not persuasive. He’s not. In fact, he’s now really a a I. I don’t want to be too harsh, but he’s kind of a repulsive figure. If you watch him speak, he’s so contrived. He’s like a robot. His hair is clearly dyed in a very specific way. It’s just a. It’s just not. It’s like from a different era. And and so I should say nice things about him. He’s not gonna run again. He’ll go out of office. Although he’s being nasty to everybody on the way. And but here, on the way out.
But here’s what I wanna say. I figured it out. They’re trying to get Biden to quit, but he’s got presidential fever. The only thing that stops presidential fever is death or. Being termed out. Obviously, in other words, you get my point once you get presidential fever and but to be clear, some people will get presidential fever by running and having no chance not succeeding. But they’ll sort of never be the same again. I mean I I don’t I, you know, Jesse Jackson comes to mind. Al Sharpton, didn’t he run for President. There’s some people they look like more fringe characters, but they’re never the same. Romney is an example. And and the only thing that gets it is is being term limited out or death you’ll still think ohh. If they just got lies. Mitt Romney actually had the gall to stand up and say to people. I’m the leader of the wise wing of the Republican Party and the Republican Party that follows Trump is demagogues, meaning that’s a that’s a word. For he hates them. If you’re a, if someone calls you a demagogue or a populist like Romney, that means he hates you. That’s disdain. That says condescension.
And so the best news is he’s not running, so people won’t associate him with the brand. The bad news is he’s still going to be quoted all over the place for the next year and a half while he’s still in office. And he’s, but my point here is he has presidential fever. It gets in your bloodstream. You’re never the same. You know you’re you’re you just are not. No. Everyone else around you is broken because you weren’t given the chance to be president. So Biden is a loser. That’s what Romney says. Happen to agree with that. Trump is a loser. Everybody’s bad. Obama was bad. Everybody. Everybody compared to what Romney imagined for himself in the presidential fevered State is bad, and so he’s criticizing. By the way, though, Biden. And that’s where it gets Interesting.
At this point, Biden clearly should quit. I mean, he he should. Be able to. See and his family should be able to see that it’s just time to go. It’s time to end this. But he won’t do it. so why won’t he do it? Well, it’s presidential fever. The presidential fever is is in him and he’s saying, wait a second. I’m here. I won. I I’m doing this. I can do it. Don’t tell me I’m too old or tired or. Not good enough. I mean, if he was 60 instead of 80. Some people would be saying I and I think very seriously and forcefully. You’re bad at the job. It’s not just that he’ old. It’s not just that he’s really seems to have diminished. He’s bad at the job. He was an OK senator in the sense. That he, he. Didn’t do much damage to himself or others. But that was it. It was like he. Was the king. Of that island, he was the he was the senator of that world. That, that piece of his puzzle, his staff and his campaign and his his family. Of the lobbyists and the and you know, the the Biden crime family. But being president, he’s not good at it. And the reason and one of the ways. He’s not good. At it is he’s letting everybody else do things that are way outside of what’s good for the country. I and I don’t think it’s only because he’s tired and and addled.
I do want to mention by the way, remember the photographs like you see George W Bush when he goes into office and then you see, like, just two years later, how much it ages him. And the same thing with Obama, Bill Clinton, that that job is so intense, the weight of the world is on your shoulders. It is so intense that it it, it is heavy on everybody. So when someone says, Oh well, you know, Obama got gray during his time and then and Clinton got gray and looked gaunt and and, you know, W Bush aged amazingly. Think of what it’s doing to Biden. So my point is that that that the weight of this on him at at 80 is is a different kind of impact. But he’s not good at the job. But he’s got presidential fever. And when presidential fever strikes you, you just don’t understand why anyone else should or could be president, that you are the uniquely gifted one that has the ability and blah blah. Blah and all. This stuff, and that’s what’s going on.
And so the Washington Post has a couple of columnists I think at least two, David Ignatius. We’re sure. I think one other one who wrote very specifically, it’s time to dramatically consider getting out of the race. You have certain quiet, less prominent Democrats in elected office talking about that Biden shouldn’t run. You have more and more of the media. Saying, I mean on MSNBC, which is you. Know pretty far. Left obviously, and pretty much in the tank for anything except any as long as they gonna oppose Trump, but they actually had Bill Maher on on one of the programs. I saw him talking and he basically said, well, the Bidens, it’s it is total corruption. It looks terrible. He it didn’t even say looks terrible, it is terrible. It’s full blown corruption here. There’s an impeachment inquiry and and Maher is basically like, you know, how can this go on? Of course, he segued, and then sort of said, but it’s nothing compared to Trump had no examples of Trump, it just was Trump, Trump, Trump. But when MSNBC is saying out loud that there is corruption in the Biden family, that’s getting awfully close to saying you can’t run. And it’s getting awfully close to putting the president in a position where he can’t run because why? Because he won’t yield. If by now he had said, you know what, I’m just not going to be able to do this a second term. I’m going to. I’m going to set up my president. I want to set up my presidential library. I want to, you know, have these things with my family. I’ve, you know, I’m I’m in my 80s. I’m going to, you know, I I. That statistically I might have 10 years, 15 years, but statistically. Could be 5. I’m not gonna do this.
And if he done that, I think by now they would lionize him. In fact, they would lionize him and he would be able. This is a real mistake of his. This is a A Ruth Bader Ginsburg error of epic proportions. It looks like. But if Biden quit right now, if he said, you know, I just wanna go and do my presidential museum. The The Democrats would be able to go and the Republicans would be tripping over themselves to give him money to set up his presidential library. You know, put it in the budget. Ohh, yeah. We’ll we’ll go to Delaware. We’re gonna put a huge center and all that stuff. They’d be tripping over themselves. They they, you know, they would. They would love it. They, they, they, they. They wouldn’t want to put a nickel towards the Trump presidential library, but they would do it. And so he, because he hasn’t yielded because he won’t go. There it’s getting more and more tense, but it doesn’t matter because when you have presidential fever, you can’t cut through it. You know, I often quote Cernovich, Mike Cernovich, his Twitter feed is so good. If you go to @cernovich, that’s all it is. On Twitter, on on X. And he said something like the the Democrats are going to cheat in 2024. They just don’t know how. And he went on. This is Cernovich’s point, he said. They’re desperate, though. You can see it. They’re they’re pushing Biden out, trying. They’re trying to find some way to get him to get out because they know Kamala Harris is even less popular than Biden. And so they’re trying to, I might have said Trump. They’re trying to push Biden. And so this is Cernovich’s point and he says, and they’re indicting Trump over and over again. And his point, which is a good one, is they seem a little scattered and disorganized, whereas in 2020. They fortified that election. That’s their term. Or maybe their journalist Molly Ball’s term. They fortified that election very systematically. They had sets of plans to influence the law, to manage the media, to suppress the truth. They had a really good set of plans to fortify the 2020 election. That’s the term they used. They say they didn’t cheat. A lot of us think they cheated, but they certainly used all, hundreds and hundreds and billions. I suspect of dollars. To do this systematic focus, they seem disorganized now. That’s Cernovich’s point. But, when I watch Romney lecture the Republican Party, and when I see Biden clearly not up for the job, you say to yourself, how can these people act like this? And the answer is presidential fever. And you watch Hillary. Hillary’s got it, you can see. It all the time she she acts. Like she should be president, you know, today.
Alright, we gotta run. We’ll take a break. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report back in a moment.