For Immediate Release: September 20, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “Federal Judge Eileen Cannon has drawn the hatred and ire of the entire leftwing, all because she’s doing her job,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “Instead of turning a blind eye to the blatant corruption of the Department of Justice, Judge Cannon has rebuked their dodging of transparency and public accountability.
“Instead, the DOJ has flaunted her orders and ignored the very jurisprudence and rule of law they have feigned to protect. Not only has the government’s own conduct against this judge been reprehensible but the entire leftist machine has swooped down to finish the job.
“Judge Cannon is under assault by what seems like every leftwing group from coast to coast — all for doing her job and demanding due diligence from federal public servants. Her treatment is shameful and she needs every liberty-, rule of law-, and Constitution-loving group to speak up in her defense!”