For Immediate Release: February 14, 2022
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “Two bills have been filed in the Illinois state legislature that are gravely concerning,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “It seems California and Illinois are happy to lead the way when it comes to mandating radical agendas without any consideration for the economic or social ramifications.
“Two bills would require any new single-family or small multi-family residences (homes, apartments, condos, etc.) to have at least one electric vehicle charging station. Of course, neither bill provides any idea on funding such a drastic cost increase. The cost, of course, would be passed to new home buyers, who are already trying to keep their heads above water.”
Illinois home builders are up in arms about this new rule, knowing that it’s going to affect their bottom line. Dean Graven of the Home Builders Association of Illinois warned that “for every $1,000 price increase on a home, you knock out 6,000 buyers.” Graven also pointed out that charging stations are not universal in use or price, with different brand vehicles requiring very different powered outlets.
“This is a one-size plan on a solution that is far from one-size-fits-all,” Martin said. “Think of the staggering effect Illinois could have on its already struggling home market. This is the type of law that even moderate democrats must repudiate soundly. Democrat leaders across the nation are proving that they’re willing to sacrifice anything on the altar of radical environmental agenda — an agenda that increasingly finds itself opposite of scientific research.
“Where is the commonsense majority of Illinois legislators to publicly shame and put down these ridiculous pieces of legislation? When will Illinoisans, or Californians for that matter, finally exit their states in numbers enough to bring ridiculous state governments to their knees? Governments and left-leaning legislators are running wild, and there must be a public outcry to stand up to them before they destroy massive sections of our union.”