For Immediate Release: April 25, 2023
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Washington, D.C.: “As we continue to pore over the new Biden executive order on ‘environmental justice,’ its intended ramifications on America are stunning,” said Phyllis Schlafly Eagles President Ed Martin. “Frankly, the radical left couldn’t shove their Green New Deal through even a Democrat-controlled Congress. They’re left to scratch it out by executive fiat, and this new EO fits the bill.”
“It’s fits both of the left’s primary criteria,” Martin continued, “manufacturing new groups of victims and new universal rights, as well as scratching their unending itch for cronyism and big government.
“Firstly, a nation cannot govern on critical theory. Despite what the Fake News media would have you believe, racism doesn’t drive the weather. The logical leaps and fallacies the left has made to connect race relations and pollution are mind boggling, even for those of us accustomed to their lies. Make no mistake, there are likely true believers in this ridiculous notion of racist-driven catastrophic climate change idea, but the Big Government string pullers are using it as a tool to distract and excuse their lust for power. No one can govern based on such ridiculous ideology, and they know it, even if their mindless voters don’t.
“That leads to the second and most deadly reality of Biden’s ‘whole-of-government’ approach to so-called environmental justice. They will entangle government agencies deeper into every part of our increasingly not-free market and our personal daily lives. Democrats like to complain it’s conservatives invading the private decisions of others, but the reality is it’s leftists who are inside your appliances, your house’s infrastructure, your wallet, your bank accounts, your browsing and purchasing habits, your gas tank, your car’s engine, your lightbulbs, your televisions, and yes, even your shower heads.
“This march toward radical environmentalism and government intervention will bombard the average American with more red tape and higher costs across the board than ever before. Meanwhile, those in the ruling political and business classes can strike sweetheart deals to avoid the mudslide headed toward everyday consumers.”
Martin concluded, “There’s no other way to view this executive move than a direct attack on our markets. The Biden Administration wants nothing more than to dismantle our economy and bring every part of our lives under the control of alphabet agencies and their regulatory minions.”