2019 Gathering of Eagles Resources
We had so many wonderful reports from our Leaders last month, there wasn’t even time to share all of the resources! We wanted to make sure we made some of those available for you all here. Please find below some key websites, documents, and videos that pertain to our reports and discussions here in St. Louis at the Gathering.
- Here is a one-pager from Skyler Budman (CO/MO) and his colleagues on their new media work. Skyler is a student here in St. Louis who came to us through Jayne Schindler in his home state of Colorado. His contact is listed below on the one-pager and his website is www.TheRundownMG.com. View the one-pager here: http://bit.ly/2D9Dn5T
- Skyler’s podcast with his colleague and native St. Louisan Hunter Dubis can be found here: https://spoti.fi/2Df4tZ9
- Sidney Powell’s website is: https://sidneypowell.com
- Larry Cirignano requested we distribute this information about where “Choose Life” license plates are available: http://www.choose-life.org
- Cherilyn Eagar (UT) wanted to pass along some creative ways conservatives in Utah are using video and other new media to attract the attention of young voters. These are creative ideas using the talents of many conservatives from their professional careers to re-brand conservative initiatives in Utah.
- First is a video of the awards gala from Keep My Voice (http://www.keepmyvoice.org), an organization in Utah dedicated to protect constitutional rights, restore Utah’s neighborhood elections. Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund has worked with them providing briefs on some of their work. They hosted a gala giving awards to top conservative volunteers, workers, and leaders which a Hollywood-trained videographer helped them turn into a media-rich opportunity: https://vimeo.com/313341167/c53d78e946
- Also Utah conservatives put together a parody video of Bon Jovi song. “You Give Gov A Bad Name” has gone viral. This music video is produced by the same Hollywood video guy, and features “actors” on stage including one of Utah’s biggest conservative donors (who is a 2018 Eagle Award recipient), and many Republican Party and conservative leaders. It has been in good fun and has put their message to a new audience: https://youtu.be/o2sC0xm6J_0