The first Covid vaccine is rolling across the nation, but many Americans are not buying the hype. Despite months of nonstop publicity in the media, only about half of those polled say they will get the shot when it becomes available.
Fifty percent is not nearly enough, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has already accepted an appointment as Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser. Fauci didn’t say if he and Joe Biden intend to vaccinate millions of other Americans against their will.
According to Dr. Fauci, 75 to 80 percent of Americans must be vaccinated over the next nine months, in order to have any chance of getting back to normal by Christmas of next year. If vaccinations fall short of that goal, Fauci says a return to normal life would likely be postponed years into the future, if ever.
And don’t think that if you agree to get the shot right away, you will have permission to throw away your mask, head back to the gym, dine in restaurants, hang out in bars, or visit family over the holidays. These familiar activities will not be allowed until we reach so-called herd immunity, after virtually everyone has been vaccinated, and then only if it is effective.
The biggest cheerleader for mass vaccination, billionaire Bill Gates, candidly admits that basic American freedoms will not return anytime soon. “Bars and restaurants in most of the country will be closed as we go into this wave, and I think sadly that’s appropriate,” he said, adding that “big public gatherings will still be restricted” throughout 2021.

Warming to his favorite subject, Gates pontificated that “certainly mask-wearing has essentially no downsides.” Maybe there are no “downsides” for someone who sits all day at a computer, wrestling with the buggy software that Gates made billions of dollars monopolizing, but masks have plenty of “downsides” for millions of ordinary Americans.
Vaccination will not end the mask-wearing, and promoters of masking insist it protects against catching the virus. England already has Covid vaccination and yet its deputy medical officer predicts that the British may still need to wear masks for years into the future, which should reinforce doubts about the value of vaccination.
Assertions that the coronavirus vaccines are 90% or 95% effective are misleading. The term effectiveness is used by some to mean merely reducing the severity of the illness, rather than providing complete immunity.
Questions have been raised about the sufficiency of the testing data, and whether serious adverse effects such as Bell’s palsy were misleadingly portrayed as being non-serious. Millions of Americans have allergies, and severe allergic reactions occurred among early recipients of the Pfizer vaccine in England.
The Pfizer vaccine is the first to use mRNA technology, which prompts a recipient’s own biological cells to generate a protein in order to spark an immune response. Long-term effects of this new technology remain untested and unknown, as are its possible effects on reproduction.
Meanwhile, the tyranny of lockdown continues unabated, as reflected by the $15,497.76 per day fines being imposed on the Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey. Not one case of Covid has been linked to the fit patrons of that gym, whose co-owner Ian Smith marched with other Trump supporters in Washington, D.C. last Saturday.
Those of us who failed to defend the gym are next on the chopping block, as mandatory vaccination looms on the horizon. A bill in New York’s Democrat-controlled legislature would force the public to receive the Covid vaccine, and vaccination may be required of millions as a condition of keeping their jobs.
Meanwhile, reports in peer-reviewed medical journals of safer, less-expensive approaches to Covid continue without sufficient publicity. Last month a mostly unnoticed article in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology described how vitamin D deficiency is correlated with a nearly four times greater risk of death from Covid.
There are numerous reported benefits of vitamin D, which President Trump himself took to quickly overcome Covid in October. Yet little is said by public health authorities or the media about how taking vitamin D may sharply reduce the risk of severe illness from Covid.
Operation Warp Speed was not just for a vaccine; it was intended “to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.” Yet hardly any effort is being made to develop and distribute treatment by therapeutic medications, in order to keep Covid victims out of hospitals and off ventilators.
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) courageously held a hearing last week on early treatment options, with compelling testimony by physicians who have actually treated Covid patients successfully, and kept them out of the hospital. Early treatment does not fit the liberal game-plan to deprive us of our liberty by making mask-wearing and lockdowns the “new normal.”
John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.