Featured Photo by Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / CC BY-SA 2.0
America celebrates our independence on July 4th, and that includes freedom from never-ending foreign wars. Yet the globalists are trying to entrap us even further in the NATO war in Ukraine, where no end is in sight and the risk of it escalating into a nuclear disaster increases.
A record-breaking crowd of 50,000 in Pickens, South Carolina relentlessly booed Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) when he took the stage at the Trump rally on Saturday. Graham is from the same rural county but is widely disliked now by ordinary Americans who oppose his pro-war positions.
Trump kept us out of foreign wars for four years and vows to end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours of becoming president again. But Biden and other presidential candidates are staunchly pro-war, and would even send American troops to fight Russia.
Too few Americans are enlisting in our Armed Services, which are not meeting recruitment goals. Beginning July 8, recruiters for the Navy will be required to work an additional day each week to try to enlist new recruits.

Last year the Army fell 25% below its recruiting goal. That was the Army’s worst recruiting year since our military draft ended in 1973.
Recruiting goals today are modest, not nearly enough to sustain a world war against Russia. The total military recruitment goal for 2022 was only 104,540 troops, out of our American population of 30 million aged 18 to 24, yet even that low goal cannot be met.
Presidential candidate Mike Pence, lacking in political support, made a surprise visit to Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky last month to pledge continued U.S. support for the war against Russia. On the same day Zelensky welcomed child climate change activist, Greta Thunberg, now 20 years old, to listen to her environmentalist agenda.
Pence declared on NBC News that “this is bigger than politics.” He then stated about Russia that “it wouldn’t be too long before they cross the border where our men and women would be required to fight.”
If Mike Pence is really open to the possibility that American “women would be required to fight” Russia, then he should not be trusted with the presidency. It sounds more like the feminists of the 1970s whose Equal Rights Amendment would have put women in combat alongside men.
Next week the nations belonging to NATO will meet in Vilnius, Lithuania, and President Biden has promised to attend. Locating this meeting near the border of Russia is provocative, as a way to try to confront Putin.
NATO, which is run by anti-American liberals, wants to add Sweden as its 32nd member, after Finland was accepted earlier this year. Any current member country can veto Sweden, however, and Turkey has threatened to withhold its consent.
Also atop the NATO agenda will be to demand an escalation of American entanglement in what has become a perpetual war in Ukraine. The United States will be asked to send advanced weaponry and to embark on a path of placing our troops in harm’s way.
“We need to be prepared that this offensive will be bloody and difficult,” NATO chief Lens Stoltenberg warned last month. But he was talking about Ukraine’s long-delayed offensive against Russia, using U.S. equipment.
Globalists at our Pentagon have already sent to Ukraine many hundreds of vehicles including Humvees and armored trucks. England has dangerously provided Ukraine with long-range missiles to be launched from military planes, in order to strike cities far inside of Russia, while Germany has sent advanced, highly destructive Leopard tanks.
This week the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Zelensky that pompously tried to explain to us the meaning of our Independence Day and, of course, encouraged more participation by the U.S. in the war there. While extolling democracy Zelensky somehow forgot to mention that he recently canceled parliamentary and presidential elections in his own country.
Zelensky wrote that “Ukrainians took to the streets in 2014 to oust the Russian-backed dictator,” but in fact that leader had been democratically elected. Zelensky has also outlawed the Orthodox Church in Ukraine, supposedly because its leaders are sympathetic to Russia.
Apparently only two things are slowing down the globalists who want to use the American military to control the world. First is the shortage of able-bodied volunteers who are willing to enlist today, for a variety of reasons that may include their own opposition to globalism.
Trump’s spectacular rally last weekend in South Carolina with the outpouring of an America First patriotism is the other obstacle to the globalists’ agenda. This grassroots uprising against further involvement in perpetual foreign wars, attempted by politicians of both parties in D.C. who are out-of-touch with the American public, can carry Trump to reelection.
John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.