Joe Biden has declined to 38%, and not just in his mental capacity. The reliable Quinnipiac poll announced that Biden’s disapproval has risen to 53% while his approval falls to only 38%.
Interviews of ordinary Democrats confirm the dismay, as reported by Politico, that many have about their own president and his inadequate performance. Their legislation on Capitol Hill has stalled, and nothing seems to be accomplished even though Dems control both Congress and the White House.
An historically low approval rating for a president means that the candidates in his party face landslide defeats in the midterm elections, as happened in 1946, 1994, and 2010. The governor’s race in Virginia next month, once considered a safe Democrat seat amid a sea of government workers, has shifted to a toss-up.
Obama’s adviser Susan Rice is apparently making decisions in the White House now, but most of the public does not even know who she is. Biden is mentally incapable of giving a press conference or holding an event that might restore the lost public confidence in him.
No one, other than Trump supporters, is quite sure why Biden’s ratings have dropped so sharply. Some attribute it to a Covid-19 “malaise,” while others cite Biden’s mishandling of the Afghanistan pullout and the flooding of our country with refugees.
The goal of Democrats to have Biden as a placeholder in the Oval Office until an electable liberal can be found is not working. No electable Dem successor is on the horizon, and Democrats face three more years of decline until Trump will be on the ballot again.
Loud protesters greeted Biden when he went to Michigan recently, a state that he reportedly won without a meaningful audit. “We’re going to support Trump still until he’s put back in,” Philip Ludwig told the Detroit News.
Trump seizes the day, in ways that only he can. On Saturday he held a spectacular rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, which liberals lament surpassed his earlier rallies this year.
Trump let it rip by emphasizing that he never conceded to Joe Biden in the presidential election last year, and more audits should be ordered. Despite criticizing Trump for his rhetoric, liberals are stunned that 91% of Iowa Republicans support Trump.
On stage with Trump was Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the 88-year-old Iowa farmer who leads his opponent by 15 points in the polls. The crowd went wild as Trump endorsed Grassley, who enthusiastically accepted the endorsement.
Everyone knows how important securing the border is to Trump, but he said that there is one issue that is even more important. That issue is ending election fraud by the Left as it steals elections.

Trump’s leadership in opposing election fraud puts him a mile ahead of every other politician. The Never-Trumpers continue to deny the importance of this issue, which if not rectified will result in permanent one-party rule by Democrats.
Look no further than California, where a groundswell movement to recall its tyrannical Governor Gavin Newsom was shut down by a porous mail-in system enabling unverified voting. Then California Dems made their anything-goes style of voting permanent, which ensures it will continue to be a one-party state.
Not so in Iowa and the rest of the Midwest, where election integrity is taken seriously and Trump is immensely popular. Trump enjoys a 53% approval rating in Iowa, the same number that disapproves of Biden nationwide.
Future presidential elections and key votes in Congress will be decided by the Midwest, stretching from Pennsylvania in the east to Oklahoma in the southwest. America’s most famous painting is “American Gothic,” which depicts a skeptical Iowa farmer standing next to his homely daughter, armed with a pitchfork if needed to defend their farmhouse.
That defense is needed now, as the East and West Coast increasingly rob the Midwest on energy and other issues. Drought-ravaged California just banned gasoline-powered lawnmowers, which are necessary in the fertile Midwest on a weekly basis.
There are virtually no oil, coal, or traditional car manufacturers in the eastern or western states, while all are basic to the Midwest and our Nation’s economy. Semiconductor production, harmful to the environment, is big in several western states while non-existent in the Midwest.
Donald Trump is no longer a New Yorker and increasingly looks like a younger version of Sen. Chuck Grassley, whose homespun common sense has repeatedly reelected him. Democrats will need to win three big states in the Midwest to hold onto the White House, while the bellwether state of Iowa goes strongly Republican.
Meanwhile, the Left Coast controls social media and continues to censor Donald Trump there, so he filed suit last week to restore his free speech rights. Monopolization by Big Tech has made it comparable to public utilities, which cannot refuse service to political adversaries.
John and Andy Schlafly are sons of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) and lead the continuing Phyllis Schlafly Eagles organizations with writing and policy work.