The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report with Ed Martin.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. Great to Be with you. It’s been too long, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Etcetera.
I am Ed Martin and this is the Pro America Report visit sign up there for the daily emails, especially at the Pro America Report. A lot of there there you’re gonna wanna check that out. So.
Alright, we’ve got a lot happening. We’ve got a lot happening and a lot of it is good. Not all of it. But a lot of it is good, and let’s cover some of that. But you know, when you if you go to, one of the key features you’ll see is the WYNK. What you need to know, which goes out almost every day and has updates on a few links, a few stories, key things. But I try to be topical on what’s key. I missed it this morning on the one that went out, I missed it a little bit because I don’t think it was quite as topical as what what I’m about to talk about. But you know we set those things up a little bit ahead of time. We’re always hustling to make sure that we get them out on time. So let me tell you What I think the most important Detail of the last I don’t know, say five days is and it’s this.
The Congress passed what’s called the NDAA. It’s a defense authorization act. It’s a way that they basically keep the defense funding going, and we could debate that another time of the amounts and all that kind of stuff.
But in this one, there is a a provision that would make it so that there is not just mandatory, it is already mandatory that Men registered to vote this would be automatic. When you turn 18, you’re automatically registered. Not registered to vote. You’re registered for the draft and they would do this.
And I when I heard this, I thought, why are we bothering with this? Are we preparing for war? There’s some people that think we are. Could be. I mean, we certainly have leadership in this country that seems to be saber rattling us towards war.
But I don’t think that’s what it is. I read more about it.
I think it’s because if you do it automatically then people aren’t penalized. There’s a bunch of penalties if you don’t actually sign up for selective service. Maybe I’m being naive, but I think they did this as a way to make sure that the system didn’t penalize people that just didn’t know to do it. But here’s what I want to talk about.
Do you understand how insane the modern Democrat party is and they want to draft women into the military? Now I want to first say this. I wanna
I do not think that women should be in combat. I think it’s a bad idea. Mostly because I think women are more important than men in the broad scheme and they shouldn’t be in combat. But I want to acknowledge that when you meet someone who is a woman in combat, there are women who can Succeed in combat. It’s not fair to say no woman can do it, but my argument would be the people, the women that want to be in combat and can do it are the exception, and that the norm is that women shouldn’t go into combat.
Just like there’s men that can’t go into combat either that are not strong enough that they’re not tough enough, whatever it is, and they have to do something else. Or maybe they have to do, you know, be penalized for not being drawn to combat. If it was a time of war. But there’s always people That can’t get it done, men and women. But here’s the thing.
The American people, American citizens are looking up and they’re seeing one party that is wanting women to to be in, in, in combat to be drafted, to have to compete in transgender. The Democrat Party wants women to have to compete against men in sports. It’s at a certain point you actually think to yourself, these feminist women that are running the Democrat party, these shrill and unpleasant people. It’s all women, except for a a couple of weak kneed men, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Biden is just a shell of a guy. It’s all these shrill, shrill women who are running the party.
They hate women. They clearly hate women.
Or maybe say it better they hate actual women that are doing the things that women love to do and have done in history and that 98% of them do. Have families you know be in relationships where the man is the man as opposed to these, you know, Milk toast, the relationships, it’s it’s.
And here’s what’s going on. Men are either seeing places where they’re not welcome and moving on. For example, men aren’t going in the military in nearly the same numbers they did, especially white men. Why? Because they’re not welcome. Because the military has been made into this woke morass of mush. And so they’re saying, wait, I was actually, I like the idea of being a hero, a man, I want to sign up for the military. Then you look up and say, wait, I can’t be a hero there. I have to be beat on and woked on and everything else.
How about relationships? More and more women are making relationships with men so unpleasant that men are like, forget it. I’m not even gonna bother. That’s what’s happening. I mean that’s that’s that. You can you don’t have to guess. That’s what’s happening in this country.
And you go on and on and on the places where the the only way you can be a real man and be in academia is be at like 5 schools, Hillsdale, you know, with Thomas Aquinas, a few other places. You have to be woke and pathetic and broke.
And men are like, yeah, I don’t think I’ll do that. I’m not gonna bother with that.
Do you know that I didn’t see the numbers. I think it’s a is running the numbers and you go find it. If you do a search, you know, Biden has a has forced through like a disproportionate number of judges who are black women. Why? Because that’s what he wants to push. If you’re a white man, it doesn’t matter. Then there’s nobody that’s saying hey. Pick the number of people for a certain area by percentage of the people in the country. No, no, it’s just.
And look, if you want to say Ohh, but 50 years ago it was all white men. I don’t care. I’m talking about right now. You think it’s progress to put in the all black women onto the bench? And pretend that they’re all good enough. Maybe they are. I don’t know for sure. Just like I don’t know if all women could be in combat, I think I have an opinion that they can’t. And I have an opinion that in America right now, when the American people look up and they see. That one party, the Democrat Party wants to make it so their girls have to compete with men who act like women. Transgender athletes. The girls. Did you see that the that Lea Thompson, the man that wants to compete as a woman and was allowed to in the NCAA, he’s been denied his effort to be in the Olympics or she has she he he she. He does. She, formerly known as a He. Actually, that’s pretty good. The He, the she formally known not formerly not FORMER, FORMALLY. That’s pretty good actually. I’ve never heard that the she formerly known as a He. He he’s not Lea Thomas is not allowed to be in the Olympics in Paris. And you know what happened when that was announced? The teammates of Lea Thomas, who had to compete with him at U Penn, where he was a student and where he was a male swimmer then he was allowed to say he was a female and compete on the female and win lots of matches. Lots of swim meets. The Former teammates of Lea Thomas said. That’s nice. He can’t compete in you in the Olympics. Where do I go? To get my dignity back after having to be in the locker room, changing my clothes. 50 times a week. Some number like that.
And here’s the thing. American voters. They are looking up and every man is looking up and saying I don’t want to be a Schiff. I want to be a Trump. Right. I don’t wanna be a Schiff. I don’t wanna be a Swalwell. I wanna be a JD Vance. A Ted Cruz. That’s what men are looking up. And they’re saying I don’t always like everything those guys do. But I sure like them better. I think that’s actually more like who I am. And when I’m looking for a job or looking to go into the military, that’s the vision I’m looking for, not this woke nonsense, not this broken nonsense. Not this patheticness.
And that’s, so you seeing an exodus, the exodus from the Democrat Party, by the way, is not Black men. It’s men. You can’t be a man and be a Democrat anymore.
If you are. It’s because of something related to your work. You maybe have tenure at a university that requires it. You know that you have to be that way. Maybe you’re in a relationship where your fiance, wife, girlfriend make you Be that way. Maybe you’re in one of the groups that you know you that you’re utilizing the protection of one side or the other DEI or something where you know you have to.
But if you’re a man and you’re like normal and you’re trying to figure out how to succeed and how to make your life work, you you can’t be. You can’t be.
I’m not saying that you automatically become a Republican.
I am saying when you look up, you’re like, huh, I see more in common with JD Vance than I do with Adam Schiff, that’s for sure. I see more in common with Donald Trump than I do with Joe Biden.
Now be aware I’m not saying every Democrat, every every Democrat man, is a wimp, is a Schiff. I’m not saying everyone, they’re exceptions. Just like at the very beginning of this. I told you there are women that can be in combat, but women in general are less that as a society, we should decide that we will put our men into combat. For reasons that have to do with their ability, willingness and all that, and also because we want to protect women. They’re a different category than men. Again, that’s supposed to be controversial. It’s not to normal people. It’s just not to normal people. And it’s becoming more and more clear to the American people that there are two sides.
And the mass exodus of men from the Democrat Party, voting either for the Republican candidate for President and others, or just not voting for the Democrats. It it’s a huge number and it’s happening every day over and over again.
Hey, we’ll talk in a few moments with John Schlafly about what he sees as a Trump surge. And, you know, in places like Iowa, for example, Trump is up by 18 points. He won Iowa by 8, which was still a surprise. It had always been a closer state, Iowa. He won it by a massive number last time. If that’s the way it’s heading. As I mentioned, I did an interview this morning on a different program on a on a radio show and I said Meghan McCain is saying if you win Iowa by 18, you’re gonna win Wisconsin. You’re not gonna lose Wisconsin. They’re similar enough. In the makeup, breakdown of the voters. It’s coming. Mass exodus of men from the Democrat Party and you blame it on the woke. Blame it on Biden and all the rest.
Alright, we got to take a break. We’ll be right back. Ed Martin here on the Pro American Report. We’ll be back in a moment.