The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome. Welcome, welcome Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report, busy day today. Busy day. I was earlier today. I was filling in for Tamara Scott the committeewoman and the leader from Iowa on her show, which airs over at Lindell TV. So I had a long day I Had a long day. I did that show For an hour and That’s always, you know it’s always fun, but do somebody else’s show. It’s like a double pressure thing you know. On one level, you’re you’re taking care of someone else’s you know, driving someone else’s car. So you gotta be careful. And then it’s still. You’re still driving a car. You’re still, you know, making sure to bring some content. So I’m a little bit a little bit lower energy. But thank you for joining me. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Don’t forget visit. Visit the sign up for the daily e-mail right there and you will be able to track what we’re up to.
In a few moments we will speak with Christina Bobb, Christina Bobb. She is A lawyer, a retired marine major from the JAG Corps and also a journalist, she was at One America News for a period of time. Kind of well known there, but she’s been for a couple of years now A lawyer working for Donald Trump and been out there as a spokeswoman Also kind of one of his leaders. An interesting lady, I’ve never met her in person. I’ve seen her on TV and I’ve never talked to her, so we will talk to her for her book. She’s got a book that’s out that I think it’s out. Hmm, let me make sure when it’s I think it is out already. It could be that it’s coming out in a Few days but, But either way. You will start to see it all over the place. She’s gonna make the rounds. The book is called your, excuse me, Stealing Your Vote: The inside story of the 2020 election and what it means for 2024. Christina Bobb and it It’s very good. She’s very good. She’s very impressive. It’s kind of interesting to Hear her talk. I did, I listened to an interview she did about the book, so we’ll we’ll look forward to it. And we’ll talk to her in a few moments. Yeah, it’s out already. The book is out anywhere. You buy books. OK, just checking on that.
You know we had yesterday on the program Brett Attebery, who is down in Texas, runs a pro-life organization. That is, that is using some of the tools of business. His career in business before he got into pro-life work. And he wrote this book, Your Pro-Life Bottom line. We talked to him yesterday and and one of his one of his colleagues, Karen Garnett, was out in Saint Louis from excuse me, she’s out in DC and my friend from Saint Louis Bridget VanMeans. Also out to DC for the March for Life and I have been thinking about my interactions with them. They’re both my friends but also others during the March for Life and I want to tell you I woke up in the middle of the night, almost actually the crack of dawn this morning and I been thinking about this all day. And I want you to think about this.
The idea that I have is that after the fight over the law, there is now a a battle for the hearts and minds of the culture and to try to say about the culture we want to be, you know, pro-life. And how do you get there? Because until now it was kind of easy to say these bad guys came up, made up a law. Made up a court decision and and thrust it upon us and then around them are people who, you know, get lots of money from the government, Planned Parenthood and raised lots of money from the left, Planned Parenthood and they commit abortions. That was kind of a clean, you know, easy to understand and the the opponent was clear, right? It was Planned Parenthood and this terrible decision.
Well, that terrible decision is gone. Planned Parenthood’s not. So what do we do about it? And I think that there’s going to be a movement to shine a brighter light on some of the entities that are promoting abortion. Whether it’s Planned Parenthood with its hundreds and billions of dollars, or it’s you know, CVS allowing the abortifacient drugs to be sent through the mail or whatever it is, there’s going to be lots of ways that we’re talking about. Of who the opponents are, who the proponents of abortion are, and then therefore there are opponents. But I want to Bring you to this. I talked about this On Tamara Scott’s show today.
What if you changed the framework your mind said? And what if you started with this?
Mom first. Mom first.
And what if you said the sentence life begins At perception. Life begins at perception.
Now what I’m saying. And please understand I’m I’m a person who believes that life begins at conception and that every one of these these these things are babies and lives. So I’m not for any exceptions, I’m an anti exception guy but I am for trying to change the mindset to move people. And when you say mom first – Mom first you’ve put at the center. You’ve put primacy on the woman. And you say life begins at perception Well, what the heck does that mean? And what it means for me and
What I’m trying to say here, what I’m trying to get at the point, is how the woman who is at the center of the decision, How she perceives what’s happening Is everything, everything. Because if she perceives that the world is going to be quite figuratively, quite specifically for her, that the World is ending. That the dreams her parents had for her, she had for herself, her teachers had for her, her friends had for her.
You know the in a culture that has made it wonderfully mobile for any woman now to be anything. She could be a an astronaut or she could be a doctor. She can be a teacher. She can be a principal. She can be the university president. Whatever.
So the perception if the if the perception if the prevailing perception of a woman facing pregnancy is that she’s losing everything, then it’s then the decision becomes about trying to not lose everything. So how do you change that, right? How do you make it so that the perception, the self perception that there’s Abilities? You know, whether it’s adoption, as some people have said or some kind of you know, changing the culture so that people are celebrated for, you know, motherhood.
There was a woman when I went to college who who got pregnant her senior year and and she had the baby and everybody thought it was great. Like every thought it was kind of a cool thing. I mean, Lord knows it’s a Challenge to her life, I don’t mean To downplay it.
And, by the way, let me cede all the Ground, all the ground I possibly can. I’m saying I’m a guy, not a woman I’m not. Faced with that choice. All the kinds of things I’m saying I’m just describing, but I am saying to you, I’ve seen the problem where people get trapped in a mindset, in a way of thinking about a problem that is almost sets up for a loss. You can sort of win, you can bring Some people around. But it’s hard. In this case, I think. I think that there’s you didn’t have to go far. You could have people that that believe that they should have the option for abortion that didn’t like Roe V Wade. That was common. There was lots of actually liberals who thought Roe V Wade was a terrible decision, including, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, the decision making or the the the reasoning behind it was troubling, or Something like that. And I don’t wanna put words in her mouth. Wasn’t quite that stark. Yeah, but you get my point.
But the idea of mom first. And from there. Change the perception. Change the self perception. Focus on that and it’s not just throwing money at it like Oh well, but it could be. It could be scholarships, it could be. It could be. Kirk Cameron spoke at this event that I was attending and he spoke about his own family, his wife and he adopted four children and then they had two of their own. So a big family. But in the midst of that, he revealed that his wife, who’s a famous actress and a beautiful woman and a kind of dynamic presence. She was Adopted so that woman’s birth mother by allowing her to be adopted and not aborted. We were watching. If you can believe we were watching Shark Tank. I know I talked about this yesterday with Brett Atterbery in his book. He mentions a kind of Shark Tank idea for a for pro-life organizations, which is very cool, but I was watching Shark Tank. And one of the entrepreneurs came out and as he told his story, he said when I was 15 years old, I became a father. And then he talked about. He said the greatest thing that ever happened to me was that boy, because I became a father and I changed what I, who I was gonna be. I wanted to be something For him and I built my life around it, and I Was like, look at my wife. I was like this is like the coolest Pro-life message. Because that guy, I think he actually didn’t get any sharks to buy into his thing, but that guy, he had a he had a a dip, a kind of special special dip they developed that tasted really good. His friends all loved it or. Something anyway he he. He made it seem cool. To do what to me was the right thing. Well, that’s change in the perception. That’s changing the mindset.
Now that’s hard, right? Last week we talked with Kevin Sorbo, Kevin and Sam Sorbo, two, you know Hollywood superstars, people that actually made it in Hollywood before they were revealed. Self revealed as conservatives who now have a Sorbo Studios doing all kinds of great programming That’s that’s Pro family and and more conservative. Sort of, but it’s hard work, and it’s hard to do. And when the culture is is is dominated by the Tik Tok mentality and driven by the the the values that are, you know that are, you know, I don’t know secular and and and sexual, sexualized, I guess is the word then it’s tough. It’s tough for them to do, they’re trying.
But that’s the shift mom first, mom first and and you change that shift because you can’t lecture people and you don’t have a you can’t, It’s hard to lecture people on what’s right in the same way that when you, when they’re feeling Their self worth, their self Perception is so broken. It’s so damaged it’s so. Threatened, that’s the word threatened. So anyway, that’s my thoughts, my thoughts, and we’ve been talking one after another. I did. I did the Tamara Scott show I talked about this there. I can’t stop talking about or thinking about it, and I was talking to Richard Viguerie, the the master conservative marketing guy. About this today and you know there’s something here. What is certainly true is that the pro-life community has to figure out how to move forward In a world where the boogeyman of Roe V Wade, Doe V Bolton is gone. Thank goodness it’s gone, but it’s gone. That’s a challenge, alright.
Let’s take a break. When we come back we’ll talk with Christina Bobb, Christina Bobb is with the Trump campaign and she’s got a new book and we will visit with her about that, the book is Stealing Your Vote, The inside story of the 2020 election. Be right back Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report, back in a minute.