For Immediate Release: February 8, 2023
Contact: Ryan Hite, Communications Director
Pediatric Research Finds 80 Percent of Kids Grow Out of Gender Dysphoria
Washington, D.C.: “Since the very beginning of 2020, the political leftwing has demanded we ‘follow the science’ on Covid,” said Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles. “The time is now rapidly approaching where we must boldly challenge them with their own demands: follow science on gender issues.”
New research is emerging from premier European sources that goes against the the outlandish and free-wheeling narrative of our American so-called “health professionals.” According to Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, chief of Tampere University’s adolescent psychiatry department in Finland, four out of five children experiencing cases of gender dysphoria resolve their problems once they hit adolescence.
Martin continued: “Many of Dr. Kaltiala’s conclusions are scathing indictments of the rampant gender ideology cult in America. She found that legal or social ‘interventions’ in the child’s life to reinforce a supposed gender change cause an incredible amount of harm. Basically, she says, it becomes a case of the adults telling children ‘this is the right path for you.’ This resulted in major mental health problems for young people, far more than any problems that stemmed from the original gender dysphoric condition!
“This new research ought to remind every American, regardless of your political or cultural persuasion, that the research in the field of so-called ‘gender affirming care’ is very new and, frankly, very little. America is rapidly adopting of all sorts of drugs and procedures that are not backed by any sort of studies. There aren’t even long-term cases to study. The physical and mental ramifications of ‘gender affirming’ treatments are still basically unknown. Don’t be fooled!
“Even a quick look at new research offers a scathing indictment of the American medical community. They certainly aren’t ‘following science,’ but instead are making up political and cultural answers for manufactured problems. It goes against the very core of our national values and the thousands-of-years-old Hippocratic traditions in medicine.
“Pump the brakes, America! We have to stop the the stealing of our children by a radical gender ideology. They aren’t scientists, and they aren’t physicians. The quacks pushing this on our nation are revolutionaries, bent on destroying our future generations. There are still honest researchers trying to catch up with the trail of devastation being forced on our kids, and they need all of us to help spread the word.”