I have breaking news from the American education establishment. They have officially declared that if you homeschool, you cannot give your children a “meaningful” education. Harvard Magazine published an outrageous piece called “The Risks of Homeschooling” to trash the legitimate educational choices made by millions of parents every year. The audacity of these educational elites never ceases to amaze. They honestly believe they know how to raise our children better than we do.
It’s even more astounding that they would run an anti-homeschooling article in light of the COVID-19 crisis. When schools throughout the nation were suddenly forced to close to prevent the spread of the virus, the homeschoolers were the only ones who weren’t thrown into chaos. I’m not saying everybody should homeschool in case we ever get another deadly global pandemic, but it sure seems like bad timing to roll out the same old tired arguments about our homeschool students not being socialized and supposedly unqualified parent teachers.
But this doesn’t stop the broken record mouthpieces of the education establishment. They should be reevaluating what they can learn from home educators, but they’d rather take potshots. The Harvard article said, “The issue is, do we think that parents should have 24/7, essentially authoritarian control over their children from ages zero to 18? I think it’s always dangerous to put powerful people in charge of the powerless, and to give the powerful ones total authority.”
Could this author be more insulting to the family? The author sounds like an angst-ridden teenager complaining about how parents are dictators. For those of us dealing in the real world, we know children aren’t capable of making informed choices about their own care. That means someone has to be in charge of them. The education establishment would like to paint the home as a terrible place so they can take control of your children, but we can’t let them get away with it.
The facts show time and again that the people most likely to look after the interests of a child are the child’s parents. When you give the government, the schools, or anyone else final authority in parenting, the children always suffer.