The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be with you. We have a lot to cover today.
We’ll talk with John Schlafly. About his column, his newest column this week. It’s on the Republican Party’s push into education issues, and we’ll see what he has to say. We also. We’ll visit with a guy, Jon Emord, who’s running for U.S. Senate in Virginia. Republican candidate just filed and is one of the earliest into these races. We’ll see why. We’ll see why we’ll talk to him. I like talking to candidates who are willing to get out there. He’s an interesting guy. He’s a constitutional lawyer. Somebody who’s been writing and conservative, and. Liberty topics for a long time. So we’ll talk with Jonathan. Pardon me, Emord Emord, but first what you need to know. Minnesota.
Minnesota has gone full how to say full abortion promotion. So much so that the new law that they have and the and the governor just signed it, Governor Walz W a l z, signed into the law. A, I don’t know. Worst in the country I was gonna say first in the country, worst in the country meaning it’s first in terms of access to killing and so much so that the Bishop of a small diocese up in Minnesota who is a very famous man.
His name is Bishop Bob Barron. He’s been a prolific producer of of videos and written materials. He has a ministry called Word on Fire, Word on Fire Ministries and they do. Oh well, they do study Bibles. They do video histories, documentaries, biographies of Saints, all sorts of creative things, especially with the word of God with Scripture and Father Bob Barron was at the time the rector of the seminary. In in our Chicago, Mundelein Seminary and very close to the late Cardinal George. Who passed away a few years ago and and so Father Barron. Was often talked about by the way as being the successor to Cardinal George didn’t turn out that way. It turns out that there was another Bishop Bishop. Well Cupich they said Cupich, who took his place, who took who succeeded Cardinal George, but Father Barron was then made the auxiliary Bishop of a of the Diocese of Los Angeles, the archdiocese, and he was up in the northern part Of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles toward Simi Valley and up where my in-laws live. Anyway. He’s an incredibly dynamic presence. He had a when the COVID hit he did a daily mass from his little Chapel in his residence and it was very popular. He’s a very good preacher, very how to say colloquial but Orthodox. Well, but conservative in my mind is how I’d say it. Well, he then got appointed just recently as the ordinary Bishop. The actual Bishop in charge and not an auxiliary auxiliary is like a helper Bishop that he was the helper one of three or four helper bishops for the Archbishop of Los Angeles. Well, now he got appointed to a diocese in Minnesota and he is the Ordinary, it’s called he’s in charge of his flock.
Well, he put out a video and he of course he’s a very good communicator. He’s been on every podcast. I think you can think of, maybe not Joe Rogan, but everything else everyone you could think of very good communicator and it’s like I said, very accessible and very interesting and funny. So the video he shoots that he shot and he released on this abortion law now in Minnesota is quite striking because he goes along and he basically says look.
If we had a law. If we had laws that said that a baby sitting in its bassinet a month after it was born, if it was grabbed from its Bassinet and killed and dismembered. We’d call that murder. And he says, Bishop Barron says, look what this law says is you can have a baby born. You can have a baby that’s a attempted to be aborted at nine months of gestation. And if the baby lives because it’s a botched abortion, which happens. If that happens in this in a case like this, you cannot save the baby. You cannot do life saving means on the baby.
Now there’s lots of reasons to be upset, especially that Minnesota would do this and that the killing and that this underscores that the fight over abortion is is state by state.
But one reason to have some hope is people like Bob Barron, Bishop Barron, helping to articulate what it is That people mean in terms of messaging is going to be powerful, and that’s a Good sign so you should watch that video. I’ll put it up on social media. I put out a press release about it. Minnesota Boo on you. Bishop Barron. Thank you for Getting out there so well.
Alright, we’ll come back and talk with John Schlafly and then Jonathan Emord running for U.S. Senate. Be right back. Ed Martin here, Pro America Report. Back in a second.