You would think that informed consent for medical procedures would not be a political football, and largely it is not. We all recognize that patients should have the right to know the possible consequences of a medical procedure before consenting to it. However, as soon as you introduce the topic of abortion, informed consent quickly becomes a polarizing issue. Abortionists would like nothing more than to hide the possible consequences of abortion from the vulnerable women they prey upon, and the abortion lobby does everything in its power to cover for these butchers.
For instance, unless you live in a state with a specific law requiring informed consent for abortion, you will never hear an abortionist admit to the 44% increased risk of breast cancer after having just one induced abortion. That comes from a peer-reviewed study from 2014 in the journal “Cancer Causes Control.” Another review published in the “Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health” analyzed twenty-three studies on this topic and found that seventeen of them indicated an increased risk of breast cancer among women who had had an abortion.
Breast cancer is not the only possible side effect from an abortion procedure. Even if the abortion goes exactly as planned, the woman or girl could suffer from a damaged cervix, a scarred uterine lining, and have an increased risk of future premature births or miscarriages. If the abortion does not go as planned, she could get infected, rupture her uterus, damage other organs, and even die. These are just a few of the physical risks. I don’t even have the time to talk about the 34% increase in anxiety disorders, 37% increase in depression, and 115% increase in suicidal tendencies among women who have had an abortion.
Amid all this hard data, we need to be asking why informed consent has to be so divisive. In fact, all of this data should be making us ask the question why any society would allow abortions at all. There is nothing more pro-woman than being pro-life. We must protect the vulnerable women who are tricked into getting these dangerous procedures so Planned Parenthood can make a few bucks. End abortion now.