The Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam set off a political inferno by expressing his desire for doctors to facilitate infanticide by allowing mothers to choose to let their babies die after being born alive. Northam pretended that “When we talk about third-trimester abortions, it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities.” However, Northam’s cover is nothing more than a sham. In reality, severe deformity counts for a small fraction of late-term abortions. This is confirmed by the Guttmacher Institute, which is a spinoff of Planned Parenthood.

A late-term abortion, by definition, is performed after the point at which the unborn child can survive outside the womb with appropriate care.
The Washington Post let the cat out of the bag too. They said the uproar over Northam’s comments “has disrupted carefully laid plans to bolster abortion rights across the nation after President Trump elevated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.” In other words, the tide of pro-abortion legislation in Virginia, New York, and several other states didn’t just happen. It was part of a national campaign by the abortion industry “to push state laws that would maintain access to the procedure if the national protections are knocked down” by the Supreme Court.
The Post continues to say, “More concerning to abortion rights advocates, the abortion debate is now fixed on the least popular aspect of the measures in Virginia and elsewhere.” The mystery is why the abortion industry chose “to push measures that would loosen restrictions on late-term abortions,” which we’re told are very rare. Actually, they are not that rare: Guttmacher estimates over 10,000 a year, which is about the same as the number of people shot to death each year.
A late-term abortion, by definition, is performed after the point at which the unborn child can survive outside the womb with appropriate care. Late-term abortions are typically done by injecting a poison intended to cause cardiac arrest, which results in “fetal demise” before it is delivered. But sometimes the lethal injection fails, and the baby is delivered alive. That’s where Dr. Northam’s cruel position kicks in.
Don’t let the left cover up the barbarity of their positions on abortion. The thousands of babies murdered every year in late-term abortions are counting on us to stand for the truth.