What You Need to Know is the coronavirus crisis is the newest reason for us to stand up to China and decouple from them permanently. Also, don’t forget to sign up at EdMartinLive.com to get the daily WYNK email every morning with headlines to cut through the clutter of fake news.
Nathan Sullivan tells us his amazing story of life. Make no mistake: many people fall prey to talking about life as if it’s a distant situation, but these are human beings who will grow up to make an impact on the world. Read the story about a son adopted out as infant.
Project Veritas and James O’Keefe strike again. He is forcing journalists to pull back the mask of feigned objectivity. The solution to this is MORE (not less) James O’Keefe — more shining a light and forcing journalists to be open about their viewpoint.
Wrap up: The latest on Trump policies on immigration. Also, the housing and market, and later an update from the Virginia Senate.