Peaceful protest is a cornerstone of American society. If you don’t like something in America, you have the right to say so publicly as long as you aren’t infringing on the rights of others. The many peaceful protesters you’ll find outside abortion mills are an excellent example of this great American institution at work. Thousands of passionate pro-life Americans gather outside abortion centers to pray, protest, and offer alternatives to desperate women. I am so thankful for the courageous acts of these patriots and leaders.
However, the people who oppose these pro-lifers are not as admirable. In fact, many are openly violent to those who want to support life. At one facility in Illinois, two groups hurled eggs at young pro-lifers peacefully kneeling in prayer. The police are investigating this incident, but there are countless others like it that are never investigated. Pro-choicers have been known to destroy personal property, not to mention punching and spitting on people they disagree with. Vulgar language and intimidation are common. These aren’t just isolated cases with a few extremists. The hatred of pro-choice counter-protesters is widespread and it’s dangerous. In some areas, expressing pro-life views is tantamount to taking your safety in your own hands.
If we are going to preserve the noble right to protest in America, we have to reopen the dialogue that’s been closed for so long. Pro-lifers aren’t afraid of dialogue. We know the science is on our side. We know righteousness is on our side. It’s the pro-choicers who want to shut down dialogue. They lash out with violence and vitriol because they know they can’t win a fair debate.
If you are a pro-life activist, you should be applauded for fighting so hard for the cause of righteousness. More than that, you should be encouraged that your fight is not in vain. When you are attacked while standing up for your convictions, you reveal the weakness of the pro-choice belief system. And you let other Americans who are on the fence see how pro-choicers actually act. Keep standing tall for the unborn. You are standing on the bedrock of our Republic.