What You Need to Know is Biden is not really President! Joe Biden isn’t acting like a President, he acts like he’s still a Senator, not leading just petulantly yelling (like a Senator). This isn’t a new idea, I’ve been saying this for the last 6 months. Finally, the rest of the news media is starting to catch up and report how Biden acts more like a Senator than a President.
Hugh Brown, Executive Vice President of American Life League, talks about how The Pro-Life Movement Used to Be ‘No Exceptions’. Hugh also talks about how March for Life Founder would agree with American Life League’s zero tolerance approach. Check out ALL.org
Salena Zito, national political reporter, and author, shares her article COVID-19 allowed too many to pervert their power. Salena gives her opinion on Biden’s first year after being sworn in as president, and how he has not united the country like he said he wanted to do. Really, he has brought so much disunity among Americans. Check out SalenaZito.com for more inspirational stories.
What You Need to Do is reconnect with Scott Presler. You can connect with him on Twitter @scottpresler or check out his website ScottPresler.org. He travels around the country registering voters because his goal is to register voters wherever it matters.