In What You Need to Know, Democrats weaponizing made up allegations; Woody Woodrum of The California Screamin Eagles on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s inaugural speech; What Happens if Ruth Bader Ginsburg Remains Too Sick to Work?; Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan stokes speculation he’ll primary Trump in 2020; In Swamp News, how they cover the March for Life vs. The Women’s March; SAVE LIVES. DONATE TO MISSION PRE BORN TO GIVE FREE ULTRASOUNDS TO WOMEN IN NEED.
In #CantTrumpThisCovfefe, border rancher, Pelosi leaving country, Dems keeping everything closed, no cave, Dr Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyan University on the importance of life and how to teach our young people to value it; His appearance on The Rubin Report; ⅓ of the way to our goal for Mission Pre Born. Keep it up and keep donating!; Phyllis Schlafly Report Commentary: Leftist Facebook Politics Strike Again; In Your Turn, What’s the latest on Brexit?; Let Ed know if you’ve donated to Mission Preborn. Text 314-256-1776; SAVE LIVES. DONATE TO MISSION PRE BORN TO GIVE FREE ULTRASOUNDS TO WOMEN IN NEED.