On August 31, 2016, a few days before her death, Phyllis Schlafly released a radio commentary just like this one boldly declaring that “Abortion is Un-American.” In it, she said “More Americans than ever oppose abortion. It is time for the voice of the people to be heard.” I believe Phyllis is smiling now to know that her prophetic words have been proven truer than even she realized. A report by the Institute for Pro-Life Advancement shows that a shocking fifty-three percent of millennials think abortion should be illegal in all or most circumstances. That figure is a dramatic rise from what we have seen even just a few years ago. By contrast, only seventeen percent of millennials surveyed want abortion to be legal right up until birth.

Phyllis Schlafly told me that two of the best things to ever happen to the pro-life movement were the invention of the ultrasound machine and the proliferation of undercover investigations into abortion providers.
These figures not only prove that Phyllis was right, but also that Democrats are completely out of the mainstream of American political thought. When people like Hillary Clinton and Virginia Governor Ralph Northam say they want doctors to be able to kill children right up until birth or even afterward, they are putting themselves out of sync with eighty-three percent of Americans. No matter how much they falsely try to brand themselves as being “pro-woman,” the fact still remains that We the People do not want the death they are peddling.
Let’s not forget either that this survey was specifically of millennials. It looks like the so-called “progressives” are not doing so well with the rising generation. That would be no surprise to Phyllis Schlafly. She told me that two of the best things to ever happen to the pro-life movement were the invention of the ultrasound machine and the proliferation of undercover investigations into abortion providers. The ultrasound machine helps mothers see their children and know that they really are more than clumps of cells. The undercover investigations make it possible for people to counter the flowery language of abortionists and see the grotesque nature of their butchery.
The truth is there, the science is there, and life is winning across America. Let’s cut through the lies with facts and make sure the evil of abortion is expelled from our life-loving nation forever.