What You Need to Know is Josh Hawley is leading on the issues America needs. Banning TikTok, as he’s suggesting, is a serious discussion to have. It comes down to not only the threat Communist China poses to our nation and what security breaches TikTok opens for America, but about the very mental health and state of our youth! Even if we all believe social media is a rot to our brains, adults have the right to do what they want with their time, typically, but we have a long history of protecting the developing minds and bodies of our youngsters. Whether it’s substance consumption or driving privileges or digital privacy — we should and do protect our kids differently than we regulate adults. Why not with a foreign-owned social media app that is quite literally trying to shape their brains? Hawley is leading on this and it’s a serious conversation we ALL should have.
John Rosemond — family psychologist, columnist, speaker, and best-selling author on parenting — talks about the state of families and motherhood and fatherhood in America today. He says the advice from modern parenting books and psychologists is a farce! It’s causing problems, not fixing them. John has great ideas for us all on how to raise responsible adults through love and leadership as parents. Visit Rosemond.com and ParentGuru.com to find all of his work.
Thomas J. Baker, 33-year FBI veteran and author, joins us to talk about his new book The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy. Baker contends that the Mueller–Comey cabal twisted the once-respected law enforcement agency into a politicized intelligence organization. Read about Thomas Baker and pick up a copy of his book at ThomasJBakerBook.com.
Wrap Up: Guest hosting for Andrea Kaye next week, look for it!