Executives of companies typically reap far greater compensation than directors do, so it may not be long before the social planners demand that at least one woman be among the highest- paid officers. If a recently enacted California law is constitutional in requiring one woman on each public corporate board, then it would also be constitutional to mandate highly compensated women, too.
Quotas are something that other, less- successful economies use, in places as far afield as Norway and India. In 2008, Norway required public companies to reserve 40% of their Boards for women, upon threat of dissolution. Yet a decade later, there is no evidence that Norway’s law has yielded any benefits. It failed to increase the number of women working in the companies, and it has not boosted the number of female CEOs there either.
The “invisible hand” that has guided our country to the greatest prosperity in world history requires that there not be any impediments imposed to limit opportunity. Quotas have been rejected by virtually every elected national politician in the United States, including Democrats.
But the California legislature has become shockingly aggressive in defying national standards upon which our country thrives. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Department of Justice is suing to overturn another bill recently signed into law by California Governor Brown, which would prohibit cable companies from charging internet hogs like Google and Facebook for the immense traffic they use.
Not all feminists are pleased by California’s new gender quota for corporate Boards. No one can argue both for this California law and ERA, for example. This law would not be constitutional if the Equal Rights Amendment had been ratified as feminists wanted. ERA prohibits any law making distinctions based on gender. Liberals come up with too many social justice ideas to even keep them straight.
In California any man can consider himself to be a woman, and require acceptance as such. Olympic champion Bruce Jenner, a Californian who has declared himself to be a woman named Caitlin, will be in hot demand by companies seeking to comply with this new law.