What You Need to Know is Biden forgives student loans. What you’re seeing is crony government at its best. President Biden is canceling student loan debt for about half a billion students — Biden cancels all remaining student loan debt from Corinthian Colleges. This will wipe out about five billion dollars worth of student debt. When adults make decisions about taking out a loan, they need to be responsible for paying it back.
John Schlafly delivers the #SchlaflyReport: Where’s the Praise of Heroic Border Patrol? John shares how last week it was the border patrol agents who went into Ulvade school and stopped the shooter. Now they are getting lost in the shuffle and we need to make sure they are honored for their heroic actions last week. Find all of John’s work with his brother Andy Schlafly at PhyllisSchlafly.com.
Buddy Ullman, retired Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), discusses how 50 years ago Title IX was created to prevent discrimination, today it’s used to hunt down dissenters of wokeness. Buddy explains that the problem with Title IX is the regulations that are very political.
Wrap up: Let’s reflect on graduating — This is an exciting transition time in life. My daughter is graduating this week. Time really does fly by fast. Congratulations to my daughter and our many 2022 graduates!