What You Need To Know is what the Flynn case has revealed! Gen. Flynn’s case has been dragged out but it’s allowing things to be revealed that We the People need to know. The recent file makes it clear that Gen. Flynn will be cleared, but it also makes us aware of a new reality we are in. The fact that a former president, vice president, and their team did everything they could to try to take down an elected president is just difficult to comprehend. They chose not to help with a peaceful transition of power but instead were fixing documents and creating angles. We need to ask ourselves how we could let this happen in America?!
Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, warns us to Expect Chaos for the November Election. How can we expect mail-in balloting to actually work in November when it hasn’t worked before? The public needs to be educated on the problems of mail-in voting.
Mark Ludwig, executive director at Americans for Equal Shared Parenting, talks about his organization. He discusses how government subsidies have encouraged states taking children away from poor and less educated parents without appropriate cause. Government is waging a war on families. Check out AfESP.com.
Wrap up: Let’s not lose our focus on the economy. It’s jumping back! Also, good wishes to Dr. Ron Paul for a quick recovery!