The year 2022 marks the fiftieth anniversary of an important year for American women. In 1972, Title IX was issued with the stated goal of protecting girls from sex discrimination and harassment in education. In that same year, Phyllis Schlafly launched her iconic campaign to stop the ratification of the poorly-named Equal Rights Amendment, which claimed to also be about protecting women from discrimination. As Phyllis wisely pointed out, not being able to discriminate based on sex means that schools could no longer be able to make reasonable accommodations to keep boys and girls apart in classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and dormitories. Back in the 1970s, feminists laughed this off by dismissively mocking it as the “bathroom scare tactic.”
Although the Equal Rights Amendment thankfully met a well-deserved demise at Phyllis’s hands, the “bathroom scare tactic” has turned out to be anything but a scare tactic. Fifty years after Title IX’s introduction, the Biden Administration is touting a new rule to use Title IX as a vehicle to force unsuspecting college girls to room with men without their knowledge or consent. As an homage to the radical transgender agenda, any man who claims to be a woman will be given instant access to room with a girl in any college dormitory receiving federal funds, which is most of them. It makes no difference if the man has not undergone surgery, has not taken hormone treatments, or has not identified as female in the past. A simple declaration is all it takes. On the other hand, there is no recourse if a college girl is not comfortable with this arrangement. Any protest on account of the man’s presence in her room could be taken as a violation of his rights. If this is the kind of “equality” that the left wants for young women, you can count me out.
Thankfully, there are still a few days left for public comment before this rule is officially adopted. Visit to protest this dangerous encroachment on the safety and privacy of our young students. That’s Let’s stop the left’s dangerous agenda in its tracks.