The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome, Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Very important week, very exciting week, December 2nd, near days away will mark the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, the Monroe Doctrine of course, of Thomas. Excuse me. Of Thomas, of James Monroe, President James Monroe.
His message to Congress on December 2nd, 1823. It’s a long message. It covers lots of stuff, but it’s really, really interesting for not only what’s in it, but what became of what’s in it. And of course it was Largely written interestingly by John Quincy Adams, who was serving as the Secretary of State at the time, later became president, and John Quincy Adams objected. Monroe was basically saying, hey, let’s put a joint statement out with Britain and the statement will cover everybody coming into the hemisphere. And Britain and America will say, you know, we’re gonna be strong. And and John Quincy Adams said no, no, no, don’t bring the Brits in. You know, the Brits may want imperial gain, too. And so instead we had this standalone Monroe Doctrine. Which? Well, I’m going to set it up for you and I hope you’ll understand what’s going on. It’s so important how it became a centerpiece of American foreign policy and remains today.
Only briefly when John Kerry was Secretary of State, he decided to announce that that the Monroe Doctrine was dead. And as soon as he was out of office and Obama was out of office, Donald Trump said no, no. The validity of the Monroe Doctrine continues.
But here’s the dynamic. In 1823, Monroe is the is the president and it’s actually a time of prosperity and relative peace. It’s years after the War of 1812 and all those kinds of things, it’s relatively peaceful. And what Monroe is describing, he’s describing an America, you know, 40 years into its new American Republic. And we’re now getting the growing pains. And there’s other nations in Europe that have different systems of government. And they’re trying to get into America. The Russians have declared sovereignty over parts of a Northeast America. There’s ideas that some of the, the French and the Portuguese and others will try to come into America. And what Monroe and and Adams came up with was not. Was was a very specific objection. And he called these powers in Europe, our allies.
But he said this, the political system of the Allied powers is essentially different than the, from that in America. In other words, the American experiment was unique, and it was so unique. As a system we the people. That it was, it was foreign. It was different from what existed in Europe and the European powers, the Allied powers. They had monarchies, they had systems of of of, of governing that were kind of hybrids of democracy, they they had multi party Sort of Prime Minister type things. They had borders that were shifting regularly. And even though that was true in America by now, by 1823 you’ve got a certain a certain solidity, a certain solidity in the American experience and Monroe, the Monroe Doctrine is, hey, we’re a young country. We don’t want you coming into our hemisphere and messing with us with systems, political systems that are contrary to ours. We cannot compete with the systems introduced. And that all the way down through today. The easiest one to me is to talk about the Soviet communists, where we said to the Soviet communists your system, communism, is not welcome. It can’t. It cannot coincide. It can’t coexist with America. So. You can’t come into our hemisphere.
Now, I was on a talk show a month ago, with an Asian American, I believe the woman who was born in somewhere in either China, could have been Taiwan and she has a kind of she’s a libertarian leaning type of political philosopher. And she said, well, you can do that for America. But what do you get to say what’s happening in the hemisphere? Now I that’s just hardball politics, right? We don’t want things in our hemisphere because we didn’t want to have to deal with the spread that the reality of our on our back door in, in, in our backyard could be the Soviet communists or could be these imperial powers or these, simply put, these systems. That were not. Able to exist with the American system, We the people, sovereignty, Republican form of government, a democracy that is a republican form of democracy, all that stuff.
And it’s still true today, by the way. You you know, if you if you turn Mexico over to the Communist Chinese and it’s on our back door. Not good, not good. And so it was kind of buffer.
And remember, America really benefited from the fact our geography we had two oceans that buffered us, buffeted, buffered us from invasion from problems. Even the Hawaiian, you know, Pearl Harbor was Hawaii, not the mainland.
And so. Down to today, I would say this. The Monroe Doctrine is as valid as ever and understand what my next point is going to be, because wait, let me pause, hear the language, hear the language.
“The Citizens United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favor of liberty and happiness of their fellow man on that side of the Atlantic. [In Europe.] In the wars of European powers, in matters relating to themselves, we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so.” You see what’s going on there that Americans were saying, you know, we’re not getting into the fights in Europe amongst yourselves. That’s not our role. And you can again, you can call this isolationist, but it it it it sounds. Smart to me. But then it goes on. They it it? “It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced that we resent injuries or make preparation for our defense.” Only when our rights or interests are a menaced or invaded. That’s when we get motivated. We’re not patrolling the world for other citizens of the world that we’re saying when you menace America, Americans, then we’re going to get prepared for our defense. “With the movements in this hemisphere, we are of necessity more immediately connected, [now talking about the Western Hemisphere] and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial observers.”
So what Monroe’s, The Monroe Doctrine is saying is in our hemisphere, we’re obviously more connected. We, we we gotta worry about what’s happening in Central America in in South America and Canada. And then this, I read it already. But if this Is a boom. “The political system of the allied powers [Europe] is essentially different in this respect from that of America. This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective governments; and to the defense of our own, which has been achieved by the loss of so much blood and treasure and matured by the wisdom of the most enlightened citizens and [on which] under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted.”
In other words, we fought for our system of government, our political system. We died for it. And therefore we’re saying. You just don’t come into our backyard with incompatible systems and here’s how it said: “We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers in Europe to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.”
Don’t come in here with your system That’s incompatible. Monroe Doctrine 200 years ago, still valid today, and watch the pivot.
The number one system in the world, there are two systems, I would say. We’ll talk about one today and I’ll talk about one later this week. Two systems that are incompatible with America right now. Incompatible with our hemisphere incompatible being in our nation, incompatible being in our hemisphere. The two systems, by the way, one of them is is jihad is jihadism, Islamic jihadism.
But the first one, I want to point to now. Is the communist Chinese.
The Communist Chinese, the Monroe Doctrine spells out how clearly we must act to remove from our nation, our hemisphere, The Communist Chinese in our midst. Period.
Start with TikTok. It has to be banned. Move on to the universities in America where they’re trying to influence university life. Move on to intellectual property. Move out however you’d like. The Communist Chinese system. The Belt and Road initiative in Latin America and South America is incompatible, incompatible with our interest. And therefore it must be expelled.
Notice the Monroe Doctrine is not, you know, you deserve to die. You deserve to be destroyed. It’s it’s not compatible here. Get out. Don’t come here.
But it’s not a minor threat. It’s not a, you know, the Monroe Doctrine lays out, we, we our people, gave up treasure and and gave up blood and died to get this political system. We’re not choosing another system. We’re not letting our system be invaded by the Communist Chinese regime. Ban TikTok is the best example, by the way. Kudos to Marco Rubio. Senator Rubio from Florida for really leading on that. Monroe Doctrine. Study it read it. It’s powerful. It’s as accurate today as valid today as it was 200 years ago.
We’ll take a break and be right back. Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report, be right back.