Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Pro America Report! This is Ryan Hite filling in for Ed Martin today, who is out on assignment, and I am glad to be with you here today. Glad to be able to share some things and I tell you what, actually, I’d like to replay a couple of guests that we have just recently had. I think that they’re incredibly important, timely topics. I hope that you heard them. If you didn’t, you’re gonna get a chance to today. And if you already did, let this be the reminder. Soak in the information a second time. You want to sign up for the e-mail and get the what you need to know before we dive in here to today’s what you need to know. Today’s WYNK go to proamericareport.com. That’s where you can get the podcast, the past segments. And then of course, you can sign up for the e-mail list there. It won’t be spam, but you will absolutely get some very helpful links and resources. Different things that I know will help you in the fight for conservative values for traditional, Pro-America values here in this nation. Go and find it. Go and sign up. You will be glad you did.
So, let’s dive into it for today. What you need to know out of all of the news that is swirling around this week. Congress is back into full session after what seems like a long 4th of July break, they’re about to head out again in August. After a lot of the things that have come down the pipe this year, there is a very interesting issue that is just now kicking off again and I think that it’s something that you and I should know more about and should understand how to connect all of these dots together. What you need to know is the truth about birthright citizenship and the 14th amendment. This is something that gets thrown around so very much and very inaccurately I believe, and I think it’s something that we need to understand better, the origins of this story, the arguments with the sides are because there are some serious constitutional implications in this story as we march forward.
So, let me just paint a couple of different possibilities and I’ll bring this to why we’re talking about it today. Well, I think it’s relevant, right? Now this is the story I saw related to a few weeks ago. I think it was the Washington Post. Someone was complaining that Trump on the campaign trail for 2024, had said that he wanted to upend and just ignore constitutional amendments. Just throw out constitutional amendments. He’s going to write an executive order and get rid of constitutional amendments. I’m like, what do you? What is this? What does- what does this mean? I mean, you know, make no mistake. Donald Trump says some very bold things and tweets a lot of bold things or truths.
I guess now he doesn’t tweet them. He truths them now. He’s tweeted and said some very bold things, but just completely ignoring the Constitution with an executive order sound pretty outlandish. Let me dive into this. Well, sure enough, you start going back into what the Washington Post is talking about and they’re talking about Trump’s call to end birthright citizenship in America. Well, what in the world is birthright citizenship and why does that sound so bad? Those of us born here have citizenship? Doesn’t that make sense? Well, let me tell you about this. This is an issue that goes back several, this has been debated for over 100 years now. This comes back to the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment and there’s a very key thing here the 14th.
This amendment, of course, this is one of the post-civil war amendments, extremely important, has been relied upon quite a bit. But let me say this, it is actually broken down into 5 sections and of course Section 5 is just that. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article, but the first four sections get into the meat of what it is we’re dealing with here and this is I, I guess, let me say this, this, this is what you need to know. It’s about this issue, but also let this be what you need to know: to go back to the issues. I don’t mean to confuse the head in here, but when we get into these issues, go back to the source material, go back to the foundation of what this is, find out what the terms are, define them, and then move forward in the argument to find out what you believe about an issue or which political position or which legal position you think is right and is desirable. The one that we ought to move forward on. The worst thing that happens in America now is everyone hears buzzwords in the media and then immediately forms an opinion based upon their emotional reaction. And then we just latch on to that and move forward. Don’t go back to the Constitution. Go back to the principles, go back to the legal foundation. That’s what we’re going to do right here.
So, people say Trump wants to eradicate the Constitution with executive orders. That sounds crazy. What is he talking about? He didn’t say that. What Trump said, what a lot of other conservatives say, we need to end birthright citizenship. Well, what’s that? Where does it come from? The 14th amendment. In section one of the 14th amendment and of course this one having to do with post slavery in America. But section one of the 14th Amendment says, “all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the state wherein they reside.” This is where this comes from, and here we’re going to trip into a couple of buzz phrases, all of which have to do with immigration, with the border. But this concept of birthright citizenship.
Here’s a couple of key phrases I want to throw at you, and we’re going to pull some of the dots together here. You may have heard the term anchor baby. You also may have heard what do we call it birth tourism, whereby people come to America, either illegally or in some sort of temporary capacity or temporary way, but they have a child here and that child, whether or not that person is a citizen or even a legal immigrant, that child ends up receiving American citizenship simply because they were born on American soil. All persons remember amendment 14th says “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” Well, does that make an entire load of sense? I would say no.
And let me tell you why there’s a very key and you’ll hear this hotly contested. In fact, this isn’t even a done deal amongst conservatives, there’s two different perspectives on this. I fall squarely into one camp. I think it’s pretty unique. It’s not very unique to me. It’s obviously something I know that Ed has expressed before. Phyllis Schlafly, our old boss, all of the Eagle organizations Express as well that this, this birthright citizenship just given to someone born on US soil.
This concept has been gross and blatantly misapplied for decades, and I would love to take credit for those words. I agree with them, but those are actually the words of Matt Gaetz, Congressman Matt Gaetz from Florida’s first district, who today filed a bill, the end birthright Citizenship Fraud Act of 2023. Which would amend our federal Immigration and Nationality Act 2, clarify a very key point of the 14th amendment. That phrase, “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” This is an argument that has gone around and around. I mean, obviously, you know, we have had major discussions over this, but this citizenship is one of the greatest privileges we can bestow upon a person, citizenship here in the United States of America.
This is not an automatic right that you get just by being born on the soil, particularly the parents who aren’t, you know, even subjects themselves subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, you’re obligated to obey the laws when you’re here, just as I would be somewhere else. But being born there, there is no other country. If I were to go over to Europe and have a child there, that child isn’t an automatic citizen of that country. No other nation besides the United States and Canada has laws that have been interpreted this way. It is a serious blanket misapplication misinterpretation that I argue is incredibly importantly purposeful. It has been done this way to create. This anchor baby, you know the system.
And when we say anchor baby, of course we’re talking about coming over here, having a baby, and suddenly, even if you’ve arrived illegally, your child is now a citizen. We’ve got this anchor by which this family is now stuck here in the United States, attached to it, attached to the system. It’s just, it’s incredible when you go and look at this issue, how it has spider webbed out. And I think that it’s something that we need to take a serious look at. I think that Matt Gaetz is right. I think the laws need to be clarified. There are definitely a lot of arguments on both sides.
In fact, I’m going to link to a few different things here on social media and in the shownotes talking about this issue at large and what we need to do about it, how we need to move forward. This is something that is absolutely coming down the radar. It has been. On the radar before we’ve talked about it, it’s come up quite a bit before, but make no mistake, it is about to come back in a greater in a in a much greater way and as much as it does have to do with immigration and the border and national sovereignty. This is a huge constitutional question that has plagued us for a long time that’s been misinterpreted, misapplied, in my opinion, for a long time. And I think it’s something that we need to understand fully.
So, be educated on that, educate others as these issues come up because again, you, you, you and I both know the news cannot be trusted. The news organizations, Big Media, cannot be trusted to actually report facts and figures the right way. There is a narrative that is meant to spin up emotional decisions and reactions, not to go back to first principles, to our original documents, to the legal framework that this nation was built upon and examine and issue in and of itself. That is what we need to do. That’s what you ought to do with birthright citizenship.
Go back to the 14th Amendment, look through the buzzwords. Do the research yourself. Trust me, you need to. That’s what you need to know is that we do need. To end the fraud of birthright citizenship in America, this is a constitutional question that needs answering, and I hope that it comes to the Supreme Court while Clarence Thomas still occupies a seat in the majority, my goodness I do. I hope that. So, that’s what you need to know today.
Come on back. We’ll have a couple of great interviews here, and also, we’re going to wrap it up. There’s something else I want to talk about at the end of the show. We’re going to do that as well. Don’t miss out. Go to proamericareport.com. Sign up for the e-mail. Get all of those standalones in the past segments and be back here on the other side of the break on the Pro America Report. We’ll be right back.