The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the Pro America Report. This is Ryan Hite, filling in today for Mr. Ed Martin. Glad to be with you. Thank you for letting me join you it is a wonderful day. This leap day, the day that doesn’t exist, at least not every other. Well, it it. It only exists once every four years. I. Guess but this. Leap day, the 29th day of February. I am glad to be here with you, talking about a few very important things that are going on today.
We have a great show here. On the Pro America Report, don’t miss out on The rest of it, but before. When we get there, let me remind you, go to You can also go to at is we’re gonna find Ed’s substack. The things he is writing about talking about long form. Phyllis You’ll find all the archives of the Pro America Report the podcasts and notes and links and resources. But most importantly you will be able to sign up for the daily WYNK e-mail, the what you need to know that comes out every weekday 8:00 AM Eastern and all the concurrent time zones. It is a valuable piece to your day. Don’t miss out. You will not regret signing up for it, but we’ve got a great show today. A really packed show.
We’re going to have Dr. Sherry O’Donnell on. Ed was able to get an interview with her and I’m looking forward to hearing it with you today. Also, Gregory Wrightstone, the executive director of the CO2 Coalition he is going to be back on and talking about what is happening in the world of truth about climate change, what he is doing is an absolute necessity today in the in the absolutely crazy religious push for climate change crisis ideology. So we’re grateful for Greg Wrightstone and his perspective. It’ll be a good show.
But before we get there and then of course, something I want to cover in the wrap up today, we’ve got a little bit of news that I think we should talk about. Let me get into the WYNK. The what you need to know, this segment that comes here at the beginning of the show where there is one particularly important thing happening that you. You need to know about and here it is today.
What you need to know is the left is really, in a brand new public way, advancing their hatred for Christianity. Now, let me explain what I mean by this. We have seen some incredible seeds of division sown amongst Americans, particularly coming from our U.S. intelligence agencies. Now what I’m referencing there something we talked about the last year or several months here, at least on the Pro America Report a few times. Out of the Richmond Field office of the FBI came a memo that. Was leaked or A draft memo. I forget someone, somewhere, someone I think said, you know, we didn’t publish it. It was just a draft. The fact that it was on paper from a federal agency at all is despicable. But this backing up there a minute, you see I get a little hot under the collar about this. What happened, The FBI had a memo that labeled traditional Catholics as potential or likely domestic terrorists, traditional Catholics as domestic terrorists, really! from the FBI! Absolutely incredible. This new movement and push against traditional Christianity. Frankly, the Christianity that has not been any different since the foundation of America all of a sudden in this, you know, Orwellian world is being called according to the newspeak of of the woke world. It’s being called radical extreme. This this conservative Christianity is no different than anything that’s existed for the two, you know, the 250 years that America has been here.
What has become more radical, what has changed is the left, this secularist movement that has grown, that has pushed into our institutions that has made the long Marxist March Across the institutions of American media and academia and government, now the administrative State. We have a problem here because this this hatred and animosity, this stoking of fear against conservative Christians, normal people, nothing radical, mind you. Just normal Christianity. When you get in into the brass tacks of it and see what they’re referring to. It is not crazy. And and. And here’s here’s the proof. The proof in the pudding. Or, as our illustrious President Joe Biden says, the proof of the pudding and the eating, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Something like. That’s one of my favorite phrases, he said. I love that one. I use it all the time. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I know I sound a little more like Bill Clinton than Joe Biden, but bear with bear with me. I’m not a presidential expert here. When it comes to impressions, OK, just bear with me.
But here’s here’s the latest installment of this March against traditional Christianity, against the values that America was founded upon and and like it or not, that’s just the truth of it. We can talk about that. That could be a whole topic later. In fact, there is a whole topic on it. I’ll give a reference to that here in a moment. But here, here is the latest installment. The latest installment comes from none other than Politico. Politico and MSNBC, actually a political author, joined an MSNBC panel and had some very interesting, very choice things to say about what she calls Christian nationalists.
Now, Christian nationalism is this big word that’s being thrown around and really just the long and short of it is that’s a fake title. It’s not a real thing. I mean, maybe somewhere deep in the the woods of America there are people who want to actually raise a theocracy and rule again. Church and state hand in hand, wielding the power together. Maybe there are people like that, but I don’t know any of them. Certainly none of the Christians that I hang around with. Certainly none of the conservatives, the conservative Christians, the politically active Christians.
So when the left comes and tells you to to be wary of and warned about Christian nationalism, know that this is a load of horse feathers. This is a scare tactic to get Christians to stop using any of their worldview or any of their values. You know the values of private property and respect for other people’s rights and the fact that our rights even come from God and The government shouldn’t mess with them. These things we don’t want you to have out in the public arena, so we’re going to cow you into. We’re going to scare you into it and spook everyone away from this topic. So we’re going to create this, this giant behemoth. This nothing burger of Christian nationalism and try to convince everyone there’s a bunch of people out there who essentially want to set up a theocracy and tear down America. That’s nuts that it’s absolutely fake.
Now, when you listen to the description after you get past this ridiculous nonsense about Christian nationalism that they’ve drummed up over nothing, when you get down to what they describe Christian nationalism as, now, we get into this FBI traditional Catholic thing, the same thing. What they’re describing is not some sort of or what they’re describing. The left is not some sort of radical Theocracy. Something that you and I As you know, just generally on people who understand the Judeo-Christian values of the world that that America was founded upon again, we’re talking about 10 commandments stuff. You can’t lie in court, there’s due process. There’s private property. You can’t steal people’s stuff. These are basics that we have agreed upon for thousands of years. This is nothing new. This is thousands of years of tradition, not some sort of vague dictate of the government, which is what they’re trying to describe when they get down to it and start describing it.
They’re describing stuff that is essentially America. They’re not describing some ridiculous crazy theocracy that none of us would want. They are describing us and then giving us some sort of brand new radical label in order to to scare other people away from having any sort of Christian values in public.
Here’s what was said and I I just went on a rant There – you can tell this is a soapbox issue for me because this is the left coming after. A, what I would call a majority of Americans. Coming after them to label them as radical extremists that must be exterminated from society. Make no mistake, that is what they’re advocating for. Here’s what was said. This political columnist that appeared on MSNBC. She said that Christian nationalists, not Christians, mind you, but Christian nationalists, because Christian nationalist is very different. She says, quote, they believe that our rights as Americans, and this is my emphasis. But she sounded like this. They believe that her rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from an earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress. They don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from God.
Well, yeah, duh. That is that that literally is in the Declaration of Independence that is recognized there. And the whole point is that if our rights actually came from, were granted to us by government, then those rights could be taken away in the blink of an eye by the very men that we do not trust. The whole point of this American experiment is the recognition that our rights come from a higher power. You can choose to believe it’s God. You can choose to believe it’s some other name, but it comes from something outside of ourselves as men. Therefore, it is recognized that we are not going to monkey around with those. Now I’m I’m paraphrasing the Declaration, frankly, obviously. But that is the whole point. You just described the pinnacle foundation piece of America, right there. I know, pinnacle and foundation. I just I as an oxymoron. But bear with me, I’m working on it.
You have just described in a nutshell what America was founded upon right there, that our rights are in inalienable. They are given to us by God. They are not governments to mess with. And government may not violate them. This is the list. And it goes on, absolutely, that that is what you’re describing as Christian nationalism. That’s normal. That is normal behavior. That’s not even necessarily Christian behavior. That is, thousands of years of tradition all the way back to Hammurabi’s code. This is normal, and they are trying to create some sort of movement to scare you. This thing that does not exist when they talk about the Christian nationalists that are trying to infiltrate the Trump campaign.
Give me a break. Give me a break. This is a gross double speak. A radicalization of the worst Orwellian kind that they are turning trying to turn Americans against each other by creating a fake group. A fake division that doesn’t exist.
They are turning the truth on its head and we must stop them.
They must not be allowed to do this. This is the danger of the narrative machine. When they control what we think through social, through big media, when they control what we say through social media, when they control what we do through big government, we are in a dangerous place, folks. And this is the radicalization that they are pushing that they are trying to section off anyone with normal Christian beliefs and call them extremists, domestic terrorists. We must stop it. That’s it. That’s what you need to know.
And we will be back. Don’t miss it. Go to We plugged a lot right in there to the first segment. We’ll come on back after the break to the Pro America Report. We got a lot of good stuff. Coming up, we’ll talk to you in just a few moments.