The following is a transcript from the Pro America Report.
Welcome, welcome. Welcome. It’s Ed Martin here on the Pro America Report. Great to be together. And as always, I encourage you. Go over to Pro America report. Dot com is a substack there where I write at further length on a number of these topics and make sure you check it out. Also please go to and sign up for the daily e-mail the Daily WYNK what you need to know. Get it every morning 8:00 AM East Coast, 5:00 AM Pacific Time. People get it up, 10s of thousands. I think it’s up to like 40,000 people get the WYNK. The daily e-mail gives you a few facts, a few quotes, a few links, and generally one, sometimes two points that you need to know that you’re not seeing. And that’s what we’re going to do. So welcome again to the Pro America Report. I’m Ed Martin. So we’ll be with you. @EagleEdMartin on social media. Ed Martin live. Excuse me, @EagleEdMartin on X. Ed Martin Live over on Facebook and just plain old Ed Martin on Instagram. So today, what you need to know. I’ve been doing a bunch of reading on this topic. The topic of due process. I’ve been listening to people talk about how the American legal system is set up to protect we the people it’s set up by we the people. It’s got a sort of systemic protection in it, often broadly described as due process rights, due process rights.
Now let me pause. I’m actually writing a piece to post over at substack. It’s a little bit longer. It’s called They’re stealing the crown jewels right before our eyes, and it goes like this. If you go to London, you can see the crown jewels. So they’re over by the Tower of London. There’s a big museum. You can go in there and you can see the crown and the scepter. And the ring and all of the jewels, gold and and the the crown jewels are made of gold and platinum. And they have all these rare gems on them. You can go over to Buckingham Palace. You can go to Westminster Abbey. And you’ll see. The the the trappings, and not just the trappings of the Crown and the monarchy, but also the the pieces of the puzzle. You have to sit on the throne. I think the throne is in Westminster Abbey. There is a special stone that is inside the bottom of the throne that symbolizes the monarchy. What is this all about? Well, the crown jewels. Are related to the Crown and related to the king in England. God gives sovereignty to the king. And the king grants it out to his people, to his subjects, that’s the Term.
Well, in America, we don’t have a king. We don’t have crown jewels the same way we don’t have a crown. We don’t have a a crown. We don’t have a throne, but we have crown jewels. The crown jewel. Let’s say if you say what’s the crown jewel of America, it’s the Constitution and the rule of law and the founding values. I if you want to call it a stool, it’s got three legs, the Constitution, the rule of law and our founding values. All three, you have to have all three. We, we, we we have to the the all through the presence of all three at the beginning of our nation and then down through the ages has given us the legal system and the protection that’s so good and it’s characterized a lot of times by due process, a system where you have a right to confront your accuser and to know what you’re charged with to know how the The the charge came about. to resist the charge with counsel, to be in an impartial tribunal, all these protections Are not just because we like the citizens more than we like the power, it’s because the power comes from We the people. It’s our sovereignty that we grant to our nation from ourselves.
We get into another time how we really the sovereignty we grant us to our states, where we live in our states, and the states are are sort of the coming together of that power and sovereignty. It’s it’s our particular system. It’s ingenious, it’s divinely inspired.
But all of that is a warm up to tell you this. More and more, I have to say we are dominated and it’s not surprising we’re dominated day-to-day by fake news, by the news that lies to us that if you actually know what’s going on and know who the players are, you say that’s just not how that’s playing out. That’s just not.
An example I have, which is imperfect is Ukraine. We were told by the press, by the fake news. What the Ukraine was about. It was about freedom. It was about resisting tyranny against Russia’s invasion and all that. More and more, you’re. Realizing by the way it’s it’s they’re still we’re going on, but the media is not covering it now. It’s moved on to other things, but more and more it’s it’s coming out, it’s corruption on all sides. Still, aggression by Russia and Putin, of course. But yeah, the the places that were that were that are at risk and that are at in this terrible war are places that are dominated by Russian people that want to be part of Russia, not part of Ukraine. And and the point is we were sold a bill of goods at fake news, which happens all the time. But here’s the bigger problem is. History a lie? Or say it better. His history, not just written by the winners as. The line goes. But his history rewritten and is it fake? Meaning, is there anything about it that is really honest or is it all done sort of for our own good? Now if you’re a parent, you know that sometimes you tell your children things that you tell them what you want them to know so that they don’t have to be be damaged by the rest of it. It’s your job as a parent is to shelter your children and to train them. And so I. Want my children? To to I I wanna say to. My children, you. Have you have faith in God and you say your daily prayers because it makes you better? It doesn’t do that every day. Some days you don’t feel better. Maybe that’s a better way to say. And so, but you don’t tell your kids some days you’re gonna feel terrible. Some you don’t see your kids, some, some. Sometimes you’re gonna have a period in your life where you’re. So frustrated with. How things are going or you’re worried about things or you got health issues and you’re gonna say to yourself, I don’t know if I believe in all this stuff and you gotta hang in there. You don’t tell your kids that when they’re 10 because you’re trying to inform them. It’s an imperfect. Example I admit, but I’m for the Pledge of Allegiance. As a boy, I said the Pledge of Allegiance as a boy every every day at school, and then we would sing the star spangled. Banner and you. Would you would have patriotic patriotic formation. You can. Call it or you could call it brainwashing if you want, but I call it formation. That’s formation. That’s what we do to ourselves. If you’re again, if you’re a Christian, one of the parts of formation is repeated, repeated recitation and hopefully out loud of the gospel of the of the words of God, the words. Of that is given. To us as a gift. In scripture. So, but when you look at history, you say to. Yourself now are they were. They lying to us, are they? And do they think? It’s for our. Own good and here’s a simple example on due process I was reading Alan Dershowitz, who’s prolific writer. You know, he’s in his 80s. He was at Harvard for, I don’t know, 40 years, 50 years prolific writer, a very smart guy. And he’s got a book called Get Trump, and the book is from our friends at Skyhorse Publishing. Get Trump by Alan Dershowitz. And the the the that subtitle is the threats. Excuse me, the threat to civil liberties due process in our constitutional rule of law. A short book a couple 100 pages Skyhorse Press. What does she want? She goes through all. These things but at. The end he. He he prints in the book one of his earlier writings on John Adams and on the Boston massacre, and often I do it too often. People like me cite the Boston massacre and the fact that John Adams was the lawyer for the British soldiers. Who were the ones that pulled the trigger when the Boston Massacre ended? Up, you know, killing. These so-called protesters, well, if you read Dershowitz and he’s looked at the transcript of the trials and studied the Boston massacre, there were two trials. What? What he basically says is be careful. Praising John Adams for being such a hero and. Taking on an. Unpopular defendant, he said half of Boston was for the the the red coats and half was for the the the the the victims or you. Know the massacre and. The reality was when you read the transcript. These, you know, 5 or so young soldiers. Bostons. Excuse me? British soldiers were cornered by a mob that outnumbered them. By 100. Was hundreds of people. It was 500, but it was somebody says that in there, but clearly outnumbered them and they fell cornered and they felt threatened. And they felt almost, eldership says. Almost to the point where a self-defense. Defense was warranted, and my point here is only this. I hadn’t heard that I had been fed the the the message of history that the Boston massacre was, you know, the red coats were out of control. They marched up and here were people protesting and. They shot them. And you know, it was unfair. It was all this, and I and. And that’s what. You’re taught in part to justify and to motivate and to understand what happened the the the. What the revolution was about. But the history. Is like most things, much more nuanced. The history is. Much more complex. Richer, I suppose, but not as easy. So now the question is. Whether it’s Ukraine, whether it’s. The Boston Massacre and and the and the role there of John Adams. Pick a topic, especially pick a topic in the last. 40 years and say. JFK assassination. The Vietnam. Have we been told the truth? Has history, is history fake history? The last thing I’m saying. This I’m gonna. Run out of time when you watch Morning Joe on MSNBC. It’s a, it’s. A crazy show, right? It’s one thing to see crazy, Claire McCaskill, a former Democrat senator who’s just a partisan, and she said she plays a role. But Michael Beschloss had a two or three decade career as a historian.
And he and.
Presidential historian and I, I thought until five years ago that he was serious, a serious guy. Watch him on morning, Joe. And you said to yourself this guy is no more historian. He’s a political player, a hack and then say to yourself is the history he’s written or other histories. Pick one, pick one. Presidential histories, are they fake history? It’s a big problem. Big problem, right? That’s my observation. Fake history. More to come. Gotta take. A break, Ed Martin. Political report back in a moment.