One of the best ways that the Federal budget could be reduced to save the taxpayers money is to cut our appropriation to the United Nations. We are paying far too high a price for a sentimental loyalty to an organization that has violated its own charter, repeatedly insulted us by word and by vote, dishonored American hospitality by sheltering espionage agents in the heart of New York City, and doled out our money to Communist and other anti-American governments.
Although Castro committed international aggression by sending troops to help the Communists take over Angola, he has been rewarded with UN handouts for technical, scientific, aviation, and communications purposes. Other UN dollars have given out to anti-American countries such as Nigeria and Uganda, and to the oil-rich OPEC countries.
The United Nations was born at the Yalta Conference of 1945 where Stalin agreed to join only on condition that President Roosevelt agree to give the Soviet Union three votes (upon the fiction that
the Ukraine and Byelorussia are independent) whereas every other nation has only one vote. Roosevelt gave in. The price of being a charter member of this society of “peace-loving nations” was having declared war on the Axis powers, an extrance requirement which excluded some of the most peace-loving nations in the world such as Switzerland.
The United Nations was founded on the false illusion that it is beneficial to belong to a one-country-one-vote one-world organization, regardless of how totalitarian the other members are, how Communist, how lacking in respect for free speech, free press, freedom of religion, due process, and all the other Bill of Rights guarantees that we enjoy in America.
The proposition was always logically indefensible, and the fabric of hopes that held it together is now coming apart at the seams. The UN now has 144 members, many of whose names are unknown to Americans and whose size is smaller than New York City.
Yet the passion of the one-world crowd to dilute American independence and freedom by submerging our sovereignty into some global fraternity persists in the face of the overwhelming evidence or UN failure. In January of this year, the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia, with the financial help of the Pennsylvania Bicentennial Commission, cooked up a scheme to use the Declaration of Independence to promote world government. A delegation of ten Congressmen, purportedly representing 92 House members and 12 Senators, traveled to Independence Hall in Philadelphia and signed a document called the “Declaration of Interdependence.” It used the writing style of the original Declaration of Independence to promote concepts that are totally contrary. This new document declares our “interdependence” and with all nations of the world and asks that we join all mankind to bring forth a new world order.
Just compare the freedom and prosperity that have flown from the original Declaration of Independence with the fruits of the United Nations, and you will have a good basis on which to judge whether American independence or one-world interdependence is the better way.