What You Need to Know is attorney Sidney Powell is a powerhouse. Throughout her career, she has rocked the boat against powerful people. She has built a ton of clout over her years of work but General Mike Flynn’s case has made her a household name. She is truly fearless — and what she’s done for this country and for General Flynn is extraordinary. Among us are heroes, and you may not see them, but if you pause and look closely at Sidney Powell and what she’s done, it’s a monumental service to our nation and it’s a credit to the Lord who creates people and gives them purpose. Her name will be remembered. Find her book Licensed to Lie and more about her at SidneyPowell.com.
Michael Pack of Manifold Productions talks about his documentary that airs Monday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on PBS — Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. Check your local listings or look at JusticeThomasMovie.com to find your local listings. Also, the latest on his nomination as head of the U.S. Agency for Global Media.
Shak Hill gives an update on the disarray in Virginia during this Wuhan virus pandemic. Also, an update on the Tara Reade story and Biden’s slimming chances against Trump. Is he out by the Democrat Convention?
Wrap up: AOC’s totally impossible agenda is just meant to whip up the far-left base, I don’t even think she can be serious.